Looking for tickets on
Chessie, Great Lakes or Atlantic.
Have the following tickets for trade
Legends 7
Lake Superior 7
Catskills 7
Origin 7
Pacific 7
Lake Austin 7
Sonoma 7
Baja 7
Napa 6
Drachenfels 7
Oceania 7
All other Asian Shards 7
ICQ me at 340556189
Chessie, Great Lakes or Atlantic.
Have the following tickets for trade
Legends 7
Lake Superior 7
Catskills 7
Origin 7
Pacific 7
Lake Austin 7
Sonoma 7
Baja 7
Napa 6
Drachenfels 7
Oceania 7
All other Asian Shards 7
ICQ me at 340556189