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have i hit the *JACKPOT* lol - i doubt it but here i am asking-

  • Thread starter imported_kray2s
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For the past couple of days i have been posting here - in quite a miserable fashion - wishing i hadnt sold my rares and trying to figure out how i could get monies i had wasted away back to allow me to start collecting rares and oddities to an extent where i could compete with some of the museum owners out there!

So, i upped my idocing! had 3 idocs fall today and i think i have hit some nice bits but i would apprieciate someone or a few people letting me know what they think!

Could someone please let me know if any of these are worth anything on the Europa Shard or maybe on other shards too ....


1. Full set of deamon bone armour - i know these are not massive rares but what do they go for with the helm? i see a lot with out the helm.

2. Sea Serphant Scale - Helm, Tunic, Sleeves, Legs, Gloves

also and i hope this is a "STAR" find - I have only ever seen 1 before ....

3. An Orcish Engineers Tool Kit - like the square tinker tools but different colour and the aforementioned different name

*crosses fingers toes and other things in hope i got something outta that lot :p*

Lord Mike

Sadly the Bone Deamon suit isn't going to make you rich, and the sea Serpeant scale armor is craftable. I am not sure about the orc kit.


ahhh i wasnt sure if the sea serpant and dragon armour was still craftable


Sea Serpent scale armor is no longer craftable and to the right collector can fetch several million if it is the complete set, and yes you did hit it with the Orcish Engineers Toolkit, at least 20 million probably more. Quick hint for you when you find something first check the Event Items thread or do a search on this forum. The search is not as good as it should be but can provide some results...congrats on the find probably a 30 to 40 million payday between the two items.


ty i did not think that the search would yield any results for me - i have tried many time unsuccessfully in the past

So if the tool kit is 20 to 30 mill u reckon the armour is 10ish mill complete set?

buy the way what does a complete set consist of? 5 or 6 pieces? is there a gorget?

ty for help


Like DVI says it all is worth absolutely nothing until you decide to sell, but anyway the Sea Serpent armor can reach up to 10 mill, again if you find the right buyer and it all is a matched set meaning Exceptional and crafted by the same smith. I like to display my suits of armor and I really like when all the little titles match. Asthetics is what its all about and I know I prbably did not spell that word right. Good luck in finding a buyer. I found my set in a Sonoma IDOC.


Hi there,

Im on shard of the braves like you are and I would like to buy the sea serpent set from you.

Im not that incredible rich but Im sure we can make a deal if you are willigly to sell,and it seems you are.

The Scandinavian


There's no gorget in a dragon scale suit.

My smith on Chessie (Lord Allidore) made a full suit of each color for a buyer back a few years ago when they still had special properties when worn. Wonder if he still has them somewhere.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I sold my orcish engineer toolkit for 16 million last March, if that helps any. I've read they've gone up in price, and considering I have the tendancy of selling much lower than the real value, I'm sure it won't help at all. >.<


You can get as much as 30-40 if you push it, but 20-30 is about average.



If you craft with sea serpent scales, you get 'blue dragon', not 'sea serpent'.

[/ QUOTE ]

Is it titled "Blue Dragon Armor" or is it simply dragon armor thats colored blue?


These titles, along withthe plant titles, always confuse me.

Im gonna have to get on my crafter and find out again.


The Sea Serpent Scale armour had magic properties??? does it still ?? *runs to try it on)

And to top Plotter - i know someone that paid at least 28 mill for hers and that was last year sometime so if and it is a BIG IF, i sell it i will be looking for a min of 30 mill but more likely a few mill more


wow good luck to u!!!!..buts its a stale event item not a server birth...no worries but ............
i'd want 2 server births for that much gold


YOu really don't know when to say thank you but no....do ya?


ok here it is lol

*holds on to arms of chair and braces himself* - "thank you but No!!!! - the toolkit remaining in my collection (what there is of it) for now"

*wipes brow*

you see my prob is i am like a recovering gambler being pushed into a casino - iknow i shouldnt do it but the lure of the possible riches coming out of it is overwhelming!

I love the tool kit i reckon its great even if it is only deco - my thing is my brain is telling me to sell it and think of all the other nice things i could get from the profits!

But no, mind made up it is staying


As a side note to the guy who found his sea serpent suit in a somoa idoc - i got mine from a europa idoc