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[Fishing] Hate to say it, but....


Seasoned Veteran
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I really hate to complain, and I do really enjoy fishing, but I am so sick of...

Plain Lobster, I have well over a thousand in each direction.

Plain Crab, I have well over a thousand in each direction.

Snow Crab, usually multiple orders of them, can't catch em.

Shovel Lobsters, they are almost as elusive as the damn snow crab.

The not so rare "Rare Books", I believe I removed over 30 of em from my bank box.

Yellow Barricuda Bait- I have over 3000, barricuda fish steaks in my hold, and I have not used a barricuda bait yet.

Knowing that as I do finally get enough snow crab to fill an order, I'm just gonna get ANOTHER order for them, AND it does not seem to improve as your skill gets higher, the mongers then just seem to want more.

Having to save up 105 powerscrolls to bind into a 110 ps.

NOT knowing if the Devs are working on fixing anything, or even believe that anything is wrong.

Getting to legendary tamer is more fun than trying to get a 110ps and crab trapping. (Probably quicker too.)

Wondering how many people are Laughing their rears off, at those of us that are bound and determined to keep playing in FISHERMAN'S HELL!

Couldn't resist the chance to rant, but for some reason I feel I may not be alone.

I'm sure I missed something in the list here somewhere, but its bed time, and can't wait to go fishing again in the morning. :bdh:

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
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Stratics Legend
I'm catching shovel nose lobsters fairly frequently off Fire Island.
I don't have any plain crabs and lobsters. I count them as the crabbing equivelant of boots and shoes and just throw them away.
On the rare books - has anyone got book 3? I have mutliples of 1, 2 and 4 on two shards, but not a book 3 in sight.


Lore Keeper
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I only kept one of each of the books, but i've received at least 3 of the book 3 now. Didn't get one for the longest time then got those almost back to back.


Seasoned Veteran
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I will have to try for Shovel's around Fire Island and see if that helps.... But like the snows, I'm sure the orders will keep flooding in. Got tons of Freds, though. The triple orders for crabs and lobsters, just seems never ending.

As far as book three, yes I have mulitples of them, but not near as many as the 1,2,4. The 3 seems to be about the only rare book. It seems like I get them off of huge orders, where you might actually expect a scroll.

The 105 scrolls, I get those from anything from small to huge orders. Sometimes just a simple two line order of easy stuff, sometimes off of large 6 line orders. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to what you will get them off of. I should have enough to bind into a 110 soon, gave some away to guildmates, nowing saving for the 110. Was waiting for the Devs to look into it, but haven't heard anything about whether they are doing anything except looking into it.

Alrighty, got my coffee, the pets fed, time for crabbing and lobstering again.

Tancred RedStar

There are changes coming in Pub69, which is currently on TC, so hopefully it will make it to all shards this week if the whining over the pvp alterations don't drag out too long.


Seasoned Veteran
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It must be completely random. I have had numerous orders for Rock Crabs and have had a hard time keeping up with them but Snow Crabs? I have 135 of them and almost never get a request.

I stopped questing after I got my first 105 scroll. I didn't stop crabbing. Went into commercial fishing and I have never made money faster. I sell commodity deeds of 10 X Crab or X Lobster for 150k each. I can't keep the vendor stocked. Have enough put back to get me going if/when they fix the rewards system but untill then I'm a commercial fisherman. :party:


Seasoned Veteran
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It must be completely random. I have had numerous orders for Rock Crabs and have had a hard time keeping up with them but Snow Crabs? I have 135 of them and almost never get a request.

It seems that Mongers find your weak spot and keep picking on it. For me it is snow crab after snow after snow. But at the same time while the first part of the order is for snow crabs, it can be a six part order, with 4 of the 6 calling for crabs or lobsters, so they manage to keep your other stock widdled down too. Now I do have an over abundance of Fred Lobsters, and Blue Crabs, but can't keep up with the snows, and shovels.

Oh by the way are you on Pac shard? At this point I'm about ready to start buying snows and shovels. What is really irratating is the orders just seem to keep getting worse. Darn near 80 crab/lobster per order, and still getting nothing but baits (that don't seem to work) and books.


Seasoned Veteran
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Sorry I'm on LS. Sold out again today so you're not the only one that is ready to start buying.....


I believe the problem is that once you run out of something, then every time you get an order that includes that one, you need to fish for it. No matter what it is. So, for me, it is Fred Lobsters and Cobia, and Pumpkinseed Sunfish. Since I have hundreds of the others, and keep adding to them when I fish for the ones I don't have, I will almost always end up fishing for the same few. Now, for a time, I was having trouble with Rainbow Trout, but got a huge run on Pumpkinseed Sunfish and ran them out. Now I need to always fish for those and my stock of Rainbow trout went up to 60+. So, basically, you will always have at least one of each type that you are out of, and will have to fish each time for them. You will never catch up unless the RNG (hardly random) makes a run on another type. I had, for instance, 6 Pumpkinseed requests out of 11 orders, which, of course, ran me out. Before that, it was Rainbow Trout.

Anyway, you will always have some fish that are always out, since when you fish for them you typically stop when you have enough to turn in the order. Next order, have to fish again.


Slightly Crazed
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Stratics Legend
Actually it is a good idea, to fish even if you could simply fill your order from your stocks. If you need 20 uncommon crabs go and fish 20 of any kind. Afterwards swap them out with your stock. If you alway fill from your chests you definately going to get the feeling, that you have to fish all the time for the same fishes/crabs.