Every now and then, in the exact same palce (in the corridor between the quest grey gobbo and the wolf spider area) I freeze/crash. Then after a few minutes I can log back in, and I find myself hidden, with my pet in a partial field of stars, from the look of the map northwest of the tomb of kings dungeon map, unable to move or gate, but not frozen. This has probably happened 10 times since SA launch.
Its annoying, as I have to help stuck myself out of it, and If I feel so inclined run all the way back to my hunting spot.
Is this happening to anyone else, and if so, is it in the same area?
Its annoying, as I have to help stuck myself out of it, and If I feel so inclined run all the way back to my hunting spot.
Is this happening to anyone else, and if so, is it in the same area?