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Has Something Changed with ToT?

  • Thread starter Connor_Graham
  • Start date
  • Watchers 3


Prior to today, I've had no performance problems at all anywhere in Tokuno, even with the mass numbers of people everywhere. I've been getting drops every 10-12 minutes on average, with some stretches being even better than that.

Today, I changed up my gear to increase my damage output so I could increase my drop rate, yet have been experiencing just the opposite. Even though I'm literally killing twice as fast as I have been, my drop rate has been cut in half. I'm also getting some very hard lag, rubberbanding, and even multiple client crashes. I've asked several people that have been hunting in the same area, and they've been experiencing the same low drop rate and problems with performance.

So what's the deal? All I did was change up my jewels and my hunting has gone to crap. Was something changed on the client side that wasn't announced or what?

Nine Dark Moons

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perhaps you were getting an unusually high drop rate prior to your change, and now, due to the wonderful RNG you're getting a more normal drop rate. i get about one treasure every 45 mins to an hour. i went 2+ hours yesterday without any treasures, and then finally got one. i haven't had any rubberbanding or crashes, so can't speak to that.


I had similar technical problems last at the sleeping dragon champ on europa; rubber banding sudden spikes of lag; game client locking up, even crashing, there were a fair number of us at the champ though no more than usual ? Happens every so often though :p I don't mind x


perhaps you were getting an unusually high drop rate prior to your change, and now, due to the wonderful RNG you're getting a more normal drop rate.
No, the 10-12 minute per drop rate is the same rate I've had with all of the ToT events, so that can't be it.

Odin of Europa

Slightly Crazed
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My drop rate is the same, one every 2 - 20 mins on my sammy and one every 10 - 30 mins on my tamer.

But I have had alot more lag today.


UO Forum Moderator
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last 2 days my drop rate was every 35 to 45 min today my drop rate was 4 in 1 hour or 15 min
the only thing I am doing different is today I am killin 15 wolves then killing 15 other faster creatures (rabits dogs gaman etc) then back to wolves ...rinse repeat etc this is with 1289 luck oh and this is on a tamer


I had just the opposite thing happen. Yesterday at lunch I got 2 drops for the entire hour. Today I got 6 in the same hour. I was using the same char, wearing the same armor, had the same pet, hunting the same things. I was ecstatic!

Stupid Miner

It's probably just real-life luck. Got 3 in 20 mins once, and then none for about an hour. It's random. (average 1 in 15 mins typically)

the 4th man

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I agree with you Conner, took me an hour and a half...from 12:30-2:00 to get a set of swords laughing at me.

Even yesterday.....averaged an hour a drop......not a good deal if your trying for a mempo, and who isn't?

I feel for the working man with a family. With these rates going either way, what chance does the working stiff have?


Lore Keeper
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I got 38 arties in 2½ hours. 17 dyes, 1 flute and the rest were trash which I turned in :). That's an artifact per 4min on average. Definitely more than yesterday and the day before yesterday at the spawn.


Slightly Crazed
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Connor unless were both experiencing the same bad RNG I think a change has happened in the last 24 hours. I could be wrong though...

My drops have slowed considerably and I've noticed pigments seem to drop almost 1/2 the time now where as before it was 1/4 of the time. I was getting 3-4 per hour consistently now I'm lucky to get 2 an hour.

I'm not complaining as the drop rate thus far has been very high and if this was a balancing measure of some kind I can understand given the rampant farming going on.

I'm just enjoying this event and it's good to see people out and about in still interested in UO and the ToT event.:thumbsup:

Foolio the Bard

Nothing has changed.

My drop rate is significantly higher today. Getting one every 12-20 minutes (finally found the perfect things to farm) when the past 2 days it was more like one drop every 25 minutes.

So, nothing has changed, your just experiencing the RNG.

Foolio the Bard

Just hunted for 3 hours on the dot.

12 minors, which equals one every 15 mins aproximately. 7 dyes, 5 arties.

Finally got a chaos blue dye and YES YES YES THE MEMPO!!


Bomb Bloke

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Last night (roughly twelve hours ago) Oceania went haywire - people in Tokuno were getting mass disconnected, all at the same time.

Didn't notice any change to the drop rate though, mind you I didn't put up with it for long before calling it an evening.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just hunted for 3 hours on the dot.

12 minors, which equals one every 15 mins aproximately. 7 dyes, 5 arties.

Finally got a chaos blue dye and YES YES YES THE MEMPO!!

Your so lucky. I want the chaos blue dye and the mempo but can't seem to get them.

Give them both to me and nobody gets hurt :twak:


Muu Bin

Could it be shard related? I'm on the same shard as you Connor and have noticed a considerable drop in the drop rate this evening. Don't see how or why it would be shard specific but just thought I'd throw it out there...


I personally do not think anyone should be getting 1 every 12 min or less anyway let alone complaining they are not getting that rate now. Just think of the AFK farmers that are getting this rate. That's just too much.

As well... i do not get how that works... Pretty much every arty i have had drop has been a 30-45 min wait. Sometimes over an hour or two. Ive tried diff characters, high luck, low luck, honor, all tok monsters... you name it. Yet i still have not had anywhere close to those insane fast drop rates. And ive been killing everything in sight as fast as fast can be. WTF?

In 78 hours ive had 142 drops.... (No mempo :bored:)

In 78 hours you get approx 390????
Something's not right....


Crazed Zealot
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I haven't noticed any change in drop rates yesterday. In fact, I got more in my hour than usual, but I also learned how to kill things MUCH faster.

I did have problems with lag and disconnects, but I also had problems with web surfing, the television's cable and any other methods of communication with the outside world. I assumed last night (my neighbors and inlaws had similar troubles with anything that sends data over a line) that it was just a local thing. Perhaps it wasn't?


I personally do not think anyone should be getting 1 every 12 min or less anyway let alone complaining they are not getting that rate now. Just think of the AFK farmers that are getting this rate. That's just too much.
I wouldn't say I was complaining, more concerned about the DC's, lag, and rubberbanding. DC's can mean a grey screen upon login, which I'd prefer to avoid if possible. As far as the drop rate, I'm more curious than complaining as to whether or not a change had been made so I could adjust accordingly.

Also, the afk farmers aren't making anywhere near this kind of drop rate as they're not actively chasing the spawn down to kill them as fast as possible. I'd be surprised if they even got drops half as fast.

As well... i do not get how that works... Pretty much every arty i have had drop has been a 30-45 min wait. Sometimes over an hour or two. Ive tried diff characters, high luck, low luck, honor, all tok monsters... you name it. Yet i still have not had anywhere close to those insane fast drop rates. And ive been killing everything in sight as fast as fast can be. WTF?

In 78 hours ive had 142 drops.... (No mempo :bored:)

In 78 hours you get approx 390????
Something's not right....
Now it seems that you are the one doing the complaining. I'd suggest you ask around and find out where the people that are getting the higher drop rate are hunting as it seems that you're killing the wrong things.


Yes, it is your fault for not implementing the proper hunting techniques for your character if you are getting drops any slower than every 20 minutes. Now, if you are fine with a slower drop rate at the expense of not "power gaming," than that is fine, just don't complain that others get faster drops. I can get a drop ~ every 6-8 minutes with my tamer. Dont blame me though for being creative and working for it though.


The mempo isnt mage armor because its leather, so it is still medable


I can get a drop ~ every 6-8 minutes with my tamer. Dont blame me though for being creative and working for it though.
this droprate seems about right methinks. It is what my necro averages as well when doing the right spawn, about 10-12/hour (not talking about champ spawn. Usually too crowded). This involves rather active casting and plenty of movement though. EV EV invis won't do the trick ;/


Probably the change to your suit. You know how bumpy the RNG is.
Once I had a miner that anything he smelt that was 1k ore had a 99% of success, 1001 and 999 would work as normal- Went like that for many months then one day I decided let me change out these mining gloves to enhance them. Long story short I've being sad since then.


Your so lucky. I want the chaos blue dye and the mempo but can't seem to get them.

Give them both to me and nobody gets hurt :twak:

If you were on LS I would give you my chaos blue dye, but it appears you are on Chessie?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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This is strange....

I've been hunting since the beginning average 6 hours a day... I average about one drop every 20 min though yesterday I noticed that suddenly it's about one in 40 min.

I've gotten countless numbers of pigments about 12 of the Hanzo's bow which blows my mind seems that's the most popular one for me....

But ZERO times have I gotten a Mempo or the Gold pigment. It's starting to make me extremely frustrated and annoyed because I keep turning in my stuff but I really don't have anything I need nor want really from the majors....

About the only reason I've been farming the ToT is for the dyes and I would very, very much like the Mempo ... I am extremely irritated about the removal of the large dyes from the return menu because I mean seriously how many runebeetle carapas's does a body need? And keep in mind this is coming from someone with over 48 characters...

There comes a point when like before the dyes were an awesome thing to turn in for... since you could always keep more dye handy for use... Even used to feel comfortable in giving folk a charge from time to time now I'm more irritated than excited by the ToT which is sad.

You would think after spending over 50+ hours farming monsters at an average of one drop every 20 min that you could have gotten a Mempo by now and moved on...

I'd really like to be spending more time testing Beta... But I don't want to pay someone some ridiculous amount of gold I don't have for a mempo when I "SHOULD" be able to "earn" one on my own for free.... but at this rate I'm not going to have time for beta testing or anything else ..... I'll be in Tokuno farming arties for a month.... and if I still don't get the Mempo after all that I give. Obviously the RNG totally hates me. Can't understand why the gold dye should be so difficult either .....

And it's not like I'm sitting in the desert each day killing orcs like some folk...
I've hunted everything from Oni, to Rai-Ju, to Bake by the thousands, and even Rune Beetles.... many of those are mid to high fame creatures... so you would think that would count for something.... Certainly more than killing orcs.

Sorry for the Rant but seriously starting to frustrate me. I would very much like a Mempo without paying 40 million since I don't even have 40 million... and I'd rather be testing beta than farming Tokuno.

Foolio the Bard

Sorry for the Rant but seriously starting to frustrate me. I would very much like a Mempo without paying 40 million since I don't even have 40 million... and I'd rather be testing beta than farming Tokuno.
Keep trying, the Mempo will come. Or wait a bit longer, the prices on them are falling each day. Someone on my shard selling one for 10 million today at the bank.


Yep, the mempo will come... After getting 250+ arties on my home shard, got frustrated and started a new char on a different shard.... Went to the champ spawn, dropped some blade spirits, and about an hour later, on my second artie, i got the mempo. Go figure, but at least he is well funded now, heh.

Foolio the Bard

Also, I think its interesting that most people have one minor that drops more than the others. For me it is the pilfered Fans. I've gotten sooo many of those. For you it is Hanzo's bow -- but I've only gotten one of those!
And in the 75 or so drops I've had, I got the mempo but no minor Tome and no Arms yet.


Ya, that is just how the RNG works... I didn't get an arms of tactical excellence till m 120+ drop, but wouldn't have realized it until i was putting it away and found i had no others! I think my most common drop has been silver dye, as I have 13 of those already.

Mook Chessy

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I got 38 arties in 2½ hours. 17 dyes, 1 flute and the rest were trash which I turned in :). That's an artifact per 4min on average. Definitely more than yesterday and the day before yesterday at the spawn.

In this long thread eveyone has posted numbers that make sense, these seem, uhh, untrue?

So I call bull****!!


Also, I think its interesting that most people have one minor that drops more than the others. For me it is the pilfered Fans. I've gotten sooo many of those. For you it is Hanzo's bow -- but I've only gotten one of those!
And in the 75 or so drops I've had, I got the mempo but no minor Tome and no Arms yet.
I've been lucky I guess in that the 24 drops I've gotten I only have duplicates of a couple items. However, I have not received the mempo yet.

Also can someone tell me or point me in the right direction to find out how many different kinds of flutes of renewal there are? I got a Demon and Reptile slayer.


I usually can get between 3-4 in an hour, though in the last hour I received 5 dragon nunchuku in a row, which was really bizzare, all from elite ninjas.


In this long thread eveyone has posted numbers that make sense, these seem, uhh, untrue?

So I call bull****!!
It is an impressive rate but the rng being what the rng is it is not out of proportion when the circumstances are right. It's just not possible to sustain this rate over a period of time. There's not that much fame spawning in Tokuno this fast ;)


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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The Flutes have all the Super slayers, Demon, Undead, Repond, Arachnid, Reptile and I am sure I'm forgetting one but all the Supers spawn as flutes of renewal. They are good flutes too.


Last night....I got 412 in 14 minutes. The day before...I got 9001234 in 16 minutes....so the drop rate has been nerfed.


Always Present
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Last night....I got 412 in 14 minutes. The day before...I got 9001234 in 16 minutes....so the drop rate has been nerfed.
Nah because Last night....I got 9001234 in 14 minutes. The day before...I got 412 in 16 minutes


Last night was weird for me too but in a different fashion.

Got my typical first drop after ~20 mins and then got another drop on the very next kill! After that back to every ~20 mins.


Crazed Zealot
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Last night on Atlantic, I got 10 minors (one being a piece of blackrock) in 150 minutes. So the drop rate is a consistent 15/drop for me. 42 total minors so far... No mempo yet.

My packers just about finished putting all of my stuff in boxes. But they left the computer and DSL modem untouched. Score! 2 more days of ToT for me before the move. Hopefully the mempo comes before then.


Nyte Doombringer

I been doing the champ spawn several times a day on europa. Most i got one time was 4 and that is because it was in the morning and there where few people there, more till. Using Mage/necro. My friend logged in last night for the first time to do the spawn. This was around 9-11 time period tons of people. One spawn he got 8 arties and cloak from boss. He is using necro. LOL So who knows.


Grand Poobah
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The Flutes have all the Super slayers, Demon, Undead, Repond, Arachnid, Reptile and I am sure I'm forgetting one but all the Supers spawn as flutes of renewal. They are good flutes too.
Elemental is the sixth one...