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[Fishing] has anyone tried this?


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Sorry if this idea is stupid or has been covered before (I did not find anything on it so I thought I´ll ask):

Since one of the 2 ships will give you +1 skill (always forget which one it is - it is the one I dont have), would fishmongers treat you as having 106 skill (if you have eaten a 105 scroll and raised the skill accordingly) when you stand on your ship while you get the quest? So could you get dungeon fish orders this way with 105 real skill?

This would of course mean no more recalling to the mongers but still....



Always Present
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The thing is, that the first step is raising the CAP.

Having a +skill bonus applied to a lower CAP helps nothing. The bonus simply is wasted.

You can try it with any other skill which you have at 100.0. Unless you first use a powerscroll to raise the CAP to 105 or 110 or 115 or 120 skill, you can equip as many +skill items as you want but you will still remain within 100.0 which is the current CAP.

The real problem for the 106 dungeon order is having to first apply a 110 powerscroll so as to raise the CAP to be able to then reach 106.

But with Pub 69 this will change as they lowered dunegon fish to a 105 skill requirement, no longer 106.

Hope this helps.

R Traveler

Crazed Zealot
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The thing is, that the first step is raising the CAP.

Having a +skill bonus applied to a lower CAP helps nothing. The bonus simply is wasted.
We don't know how it applied to fishing.
Have you tried mining gloves or ancient smith hammers? They raise your skill above cap.


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
thx guys, well, maybe worth a try with a couple of quests - even with the publish around the corner....


I read somewhere that the +1 is for catching the rare fish, and its with the Tokunno boat. It makes it easier to catch the new rare big fish, not adding +1 to your skill. Not sure where I read this anymore, maybe someone else has more details on this.


the Tokuno ship does give some sort of skill bonus(unless it's been changed recently). When I was training up my fisher(using both the tokuno and garg ships), i noticed i was getting 2nd lvl fish on the tokuno ship but only 1st lvl fish on the garg ship, this was both in deep water. I don't remember exactly what my skill lvl was at the time but think it was around 70ish.