I have, in 3 turn-in sessions, turned in 397 BODs for replacements. Here's the results of Agapite & better BODs
Agapite (Ring/chain/plate/non-combinables)
Normal 1 / 1 / 1 / 3 Total: 6
Exceptional 1 / 0 / 2 / 6 Total: 9
Larges 1 (chain)
Total Agapite: 16/397
Verite (Ring/chain/plate/non-combinables)
Normal 2 / 1 / 0 / 2 Total: 5
Exceptional 1 / 2 / 0 / 2 Total: 5
Larges 1 (plate)
Total Verite: 11/397
3 (all normal non-combinables)
Total Agapite-Valorite BODs: 30/397
This is a remarkable improvement over the past (where I got 3 Valorite BODs in 5 years, from many times more BODs than just this small sampling).
The RNG does hate you
I've been championing an idea for years that would do wonders about the number of weapons BODs....
1. Move the non-combinable armor smalls to the weapon side of the decision tree.
2. If "colored" comes up instead of iron, force the resulting weapon & famer side from #1 to produce a famer BOD, instead of the color indication being lost.
This would make 50% of all BODs armor combinables (instead of the current 28%), and would reduce the number of weapons BODs to 25% (below 110 - or as the system was before the color bonus, at all levels), 15% (110-119.9) or 5% at Legendary.
After all, while a lot of the non-combinables are rather bad, they are better than weapons bods (12 metal/quantity/quality combinations result in POF, another two in chances for the elusive colored anvil, and many also produce low end ASH and runics that are now much more effective - a good talisman & an ASH +15 as good as an ASH +30 (used without a talisman) for most crafting).