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Has anyone gotten a mempo from a low level creature?


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi there:

By now we've all learned that quantity is better than quality for overall numbers of drops.

I'll break it down for you exactly. You can get a drop roughly anywhere from 1 kill to 491 kills on most any creature.

Low level creatures usually drop from 120 to 350 kills. Higher creatures will give more frequent drops, however it will actually take longer to get the drops. Tsuki's, Ra-Ju's, Succubi, Dread Spiders, etc drop roughly every 20k -80k gold. So, something like 40 to 160 of these monsters per drop. I have gotten drops on bunnies and birds, so everything in Tokuno will drop for you.

Here's my question. Has anyone gotten a mempo on a low level creature? I've gotten blackrock on high level and low level creatures so I know you can get that anywhere.

I hope this info is useful, and thanks in advance for your comments.

My son loves this dancing broccoli so this is for him :danceb:


Lore Master
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One of my guildies acquired 2 mempos in one day just killing orcs. Yep. Talk about luck.

Old Man of UO

Mine from hell hound.

It's a good question, but this is where urban legends come from. It's all in the RNG.


Lore Master
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I have gotten 6 so far killing rune Beatles and then after a dozen or so I kill some of the evil mages seems to work well for drops.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I received a mempo in the lizardman commune where nothing but low level creatures spawn.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Dunno if it counts, but I got mine from a low level human player. One from the money grubbing species.

Mr. Gnome

Mne came from the 3rd level spawn at the champ- Lessers and Lions.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Wouldn't know after yet another 7 hours spent trying to get one I'm still coming up empty handed.

Though I have more dyes and more of the other minor arties.... I've yet to come across a single Mempo.

So instead of Beta testing, or bug reporting, or anything else I could be doing that might be fun.... I'm working like mad to get something I am beginning to think I'll never get.

You would think that after spending 6 to 8 hours a day farming things like Rune beetles, Bake, and Rai-Ju eventually on one of my many drops that I do get at least ever 20 min.... I would have gotten a mempo by now.

I've even begun to try using different characters and different accounts in the hopes that ONE of my accounts isn't cursed... but to no avail.

I'd much rather be doing other things but I would REALLY like a Mempo for my tamer... at this point I'm so frustrated and irritated I'd like to say forget the whole thing.


It just does not seem possible to be THIS unlucky... or to have the drop be THIS rare...

How about this.... I'll test your new beta when YOU fix the RNG or put the stinking Mempo on the majors and make at least something worth turning in my minors for. At this point with as many accounts as I have and as many characters as I have I have ZERO use for any of the majors currently available... And I'm becoming more and more annoyed with the game in general. Trust me killing bake and Rune beetles for 6 to 8 hours is NOT how I typically would like to spend my time in UO.

Quantum Ace

The lucky mempo seems to be eluding me. Rabbits you say? I may be able to handle those. Going to slay bunnies now. *tips hat*

Picus of Napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I'm at close to 200 drops and no mempo. I've tried the balron/oni high level vs spawm vs everything and here I still sit.


... but I can't get a fresh peach dye to save my life!
Ditto, no peach, but my one mempo was from a Kappa.


It just does not seem possible to be THIS unlucky... or to have the drop be THIS rare...

How about this.... I'll test your new beta when YOU fix the RNG or put the stinking Mempo on the majors and make at least something worth turning in my minors for. At this point with as many accounts as I have and as many characters as I have I have ZERO use for any of the majors currently available... And I'm becoming more and more annoyed with the game in general. Trust me killing bake and Rune beetles for 6 to 8 hours is NOT how I typically would like to spend my time in UO.
The answer has seemed clear since day 4 or 5, 1) add the mempo to the list of major turn-in items (keep it as a minor drop) and 2) add 10 charge dyes to the same list. As ToT3 stands, luck (in the real world sense), camping unattended, and powergaming (and even then, RL luck is required) are the only means to achieve success if defined as nabbing a mempo. And the event is simultaneous with beta. I keep scratching my head on this one - seriously. Sorry for your pain, many of us feel it if it's any solice. If player frustration isn't deemed important, I don't know what is? And at the end of the day, folks who want the mempos will get them, even if they have to pay insanely high prices to players who may themselves be part of the unattrended macro group, doubling the frustration.


Why does every single player have to have every single item?

Several of you folks are becoming unhinged over your inability to acquire this mempo. Is it really that critical? Maybe some fresh air and time away from the computer will help.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wouldn't know after yet another 7 hours spent trying to get one I'm still coming up empty handed.

Though I have more dyes and more of the other minor arties.... I've yet to come across a single Mempo.

So instead of Beta testing, or bug reporting, or anything else I could be doing that might be fun.... I'm working like mad to get something I am beginning to think I'll never get.

You would think that after spending 6 to 8 hours a day farming things like Rune beetles, Bake, and Rai-Ju eventually on one of my many drops that I do get at least ever 20 min.... I would have gotten a mempo by now.

I've even begun to try using different characters and different accounts in the hopes that ONE of my accounts isn't cursed... but to no avail.

I'd much rather be doing other things but I would REALLY like a Mempo for my tamer... at this point I'm so frustrated and irritated I'd like to say forget the whole thing.


It just does not seem possible to be THIS unlucky... or to have the drop be THIS rare...

How about this.... I'll test your new beta when YOU fix the RNG or put the stinking Mempo on the majors and make at least something worth turning in my minors for. At this point with as many accounts as I have and as many characters as I have I have ZERO use for any of the majors currently available... And I'm becoming more and more annoyed with the game in general. Trust me killing bake and Rune beetles for 6 to 8 hours is NOT how I typically would like to spend my time in UO.

The RNG is a good thing. You are telling me you would like the mempo to drop every certain number of drops? Where is the fun in that, why do trammys have to have everything so predictable.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Why does every single player have to have every single item?

Several of you folks are becoming unhinged over your inability to acquire this mempo. Is it really that critical? Maybe some fresh air and time away from the computer will help.
:thumbsup:Nail on the head.

Everyone is like :cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing::cursing:


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I find it entertaining. It's almost as funny as when Crysta posted how very upset she was when she wasn't invited to the beta.


I love the added rare chance at a mempo added to this event. It adds a lot to the Tokuno experience. Yes, the new dyes are nice. But to have a chance at something rare for a short period of time, (1 month hopefully), is what UO should be about. Very nice touch to an already existing event to lead us up to the expansion.



Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Got one off an earth elemental last night. I didn't even see it for a while, I was mostly just pushing keys while I watch TV, and glancing at the screen occasionally.

Foolio the Bard

There are so few rare things in this game...I swear that if some people had their wish, they'd have the Devs just put an NPC at each of the Tokuno moongates, so you can gate in and just say "give mempo" and it drops in your pack.


Think ill join in the complaining a bit. Over 380 drops now. Not a single mempo.

To those bashing the people workin they ass off trying to get one...
You try sitting in front of the computer (NOT AFK) through 380+ drops and not getting what you have spent day after day hunting for like a full time job.

Its not exactly satisfying and the minors to me are pretty much garbage now seeing as i have so damn many. Still had lots from the first two treasures of tokuno.

Not to mention the way people are farming trying to get a mempo is gonna totally slay the market for majors and minors for a long time.

Runebeetle Carapace for 250k anyone? lol

Put the Mempo on the turn in list but make it cost 20-30 minors to get.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Oh this is so darn cute! The clowns are out!! Sure took you long enough.

What do you do? Save threads? Lol! wtg boyz! Why do you read threads that upsets you all so much? Go try on your new stuff and be happy! :)

As for mentioning anything about Crysta,wow, jealous are you? Eww! If you do not want to know, stop opening the thread please.

I wish you guys well, I really do. :)

Xanthril of LA

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Wouldn't know after yet another 7 hours spent trying to get one I'm still coming up empty handed.

Though I have more dyes and more of the other minor arties.... I've yet to come across a single Mempo.

So instead of Beta testing, or bug reporting, or anything else I could be doing that might be fun.... I'm working like mad to get something I am beginning to think I'll never get.

You would think that after spending 6 to 8 hours a day farming things like Rune beetles, Bake, and Rai-Ju eventually on one of my many drops that I do get at least ever 20 min.... I would have gotten a mempo by now.

I've even begun to try using different characters and different accounts in the hopes that ONE of my accounts isn't cursed... but to no avail.

I'd much rather be doing other things but I would REALLY like a Mempo for my tamer... at this point I'm so frustrated and irritated I'd like to say forget the whole thing.


It just does not seem possible to be THIS unlucky... or to have the drop be THIS rare...

How about this.... I'll test your new beta when YOU fix the RNG or put the stinking Mempo on the majors and make at least something worth turning in my minors for. At this point with as many accounts as I have and as many characters as I have I have ZERO use for any of the majors currently available... And I'm becoming more and more annoyed with the game in general. Trust me killing bake and Rune beetles for 6 to 8 hours is NOT how I typically would like to spend my time in UO.
I could not agree more with you. My two sons and I have been trying for a mempo since the event started and have had no luck despite spending WAY, WAY too much time trying to do so. We leave for vacation tonight and will not return until after the event, so no mempo for me. If anyone on LA wants to trade or sell, let me know.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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First off I don't have 10 million gold let alone the 40 million people seem to think they should charge for the Mempo...

I don't sit around all day in game farming gold. Typically I role-play. A pastime I very much enjoy, however it's not terribly lucrative. So therefore I typically get items for myself.

I do also have a luck suit I'm rather proud of on one of my tamers. So having the Mempo would really boost my suit and therefore is something of a goal for me personally.

However... I don't have time to do anything else right now because I very much wish to have the Mempo and since the ToT is a limited time event I don't want to wait till the last day to try to get what I want... however that said I also don't think it should take me the entire Month of farming things 6 to 8 hours a day to get one either. And at the rate I'm going it's beginning to look like even after the ToT is done I STILL won't have one. Which is starting to make me rather irritated and disgusted with UO in general... I suppose you could call that icing on the cake. Top that with all the other numerous disappointments of late and you have one very unhappy customer.

I could name the HUGE list of disappoints for you if you like... but that would likely take me all night... and since I still don't have a mempo I don't have time... I have to farm things in Tokuno for the next 6 to 8 hours.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What's the list of disappointments? I can only think of a few things for mine.

Loot sucks.
Too much cheating and scripting.
We haven't had much new stuff to do recently until ToT.


Stratics Legend
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Stratics Legend
Y'all are going to hate me now...

I killed enough kappas/revenant lions to get 12k gold (with zero luck paladin character). I was about to log out, but went to the bank first to drop the gold and noticed something yellowish at the bottom of my backpack...

Lo and behold, it was the elusive mempo - my one and only TOT.

Xel The Wanderer

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Y'all are going to hate me now...

I killed enough kappas/revenant lions to get 12k gold (with zero luck paladin character). I was about to log out, but went to the bank first to drop the gold and noticed something yellowish at the bottom of my backpack...

Lo and behold, it was the elusive mempo - my one and only TOT.
Congratulations! :thumbsup: If that happened, I'd test out your in-game RNG Luck with 'Real Life Luck' and buy a lottery ticket. Who knows??? Your Lucky mojo could be exceptionally good to win the lottery as well. Once again, congratulations.


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
First off I don't have 10 million gold let alone the 40 million people seem to think they should charge for the Mempo...

I don't sit around all day in game farming gold. Typically I role-play. A pastime I very much enjoy, however it's not terribly lucrative. So therefore I typically get items for myself.

I do also have a luck suit I'm rather proud of on one of my tamers. So having the Mempo would really boost my suit and therefore is something of a goal for me personally.

However... I don't have time to do anything else right now because I very much wish to have the Mempo and since the ToT is a limited time event I don't want to wait till the last day to try to get what I want... however that said I also don't think it should take me the entire Month of farming things 6 to 8 hours a day to get one either. And at the rate I'm going it's beginning to look like even after the ToT is done I STILL won't have one. Which is starting to make me rather irritated and disgusted with UO in general... I suppose you could call that icing on the cake. Top that with all the other numerous disappointments of late and you have one very unhappy customer.

I could name the HUGE list of disappoints for you if you like... but that would likely take me all night... and since I still don't have a mempo I don't have time... I have to farm things in Tokuno for the next 6 to 8 hours.
You play GL, correct?


Belaern d'Zhaunil
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Campaign Supporter
Yes I play GL's... and after yet another night spent trying to get one I still don't have one. Really getting ticked.

We are now on what the second or third week of ToT and I've been doing this daily since the beginning and I still don't have one.

Driving me nuts.


Got mine from an evil mage (not lord), which are pretty low-level in the scheme of Tokuno spawn.


Well, I got the mempo last night, sometime during the sleeping dragon spawn.

Unfortunately, almost immediately after, I died from an oni/hiryu gank. That particular mob proceeded to camp over my corpse. I died a few times trying to get back to my corpse. Turns out I was apparently completely dry looted by the Onis.

I lost, at the least:

Leuro Mempo
Silver dye (the only one I had of that color)
2 or 3 other minor ToTs acquired during the spawn
Cursed AoF, HoM, Orny (this is a few million of value on LS)
All my regs, BoS, loot box, etc

Additionally, I lost two pieces I am absolutely certain were insured: Robe of the Equinox and a set of very expensive sleeves.

I am more irritated by the loss of the cursed gear than the mempo as it will exacerbate my already profound impecunity.

Its a bit obnoxious because the Oni corpses were disappearing so quickly there was no chance to recover the items, not that the goofy trammel ruleset would have allowed me to loot anyway in this situation.

Its another issue, really, but there does seem to be an insurance bug. I died several times last night with those two items and they always stayed with my ghost until this final tragedy with the looting Onis. Other insured items stayed with the ghost and I had around 700,000 cash in the bank.

Oh well.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thangorodrim, I am so sorry that happened to you. I have a few silver dyes on another shard but at some time I will xfer back to LS for a while. I will bring you one.

No mempo tho, ever. Hey at least you got to see one drop in your pack.

*my homemade sig... SA is like dropping a porcupine in a wood chipper and hoping for maple syrup. Do I have any faith left? Well, no!*


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yes I play GL's... and after yet another night spent trying to get one I still don't have one. Really getting ticked.

We are now on what the second or third week of ToT and I've been doing this daily since the beginning and I still don't have one.

Driving me nuts.
If you don't get one you can have one of mine.


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
If you don't get one you can have one of mine.
That's very kind of you Cetric. After another 5 hours spent at it this morning still NO mempo.... I must have gotten every other thing you could get and 2 or 3 of some.... but NO mempo. Most irritating... had they made the stinking Mempo one of the major arties I'd be done by now and happily testing Beta.... but NOOOO... Instead I've got to waste hour after hour after hour on this....NO way I have the 40 million to buy one. Really is upsetting an aggravating at the rate I have been trying to get one I feel I SHOULD have gotten one at least 4 times over by now.


If you don't get one you can have one of mine.
That's very kind of you Cetric. After another 5 hours spent at it this morning still NO mempo.... I must have gotten every other thing you could get and 2 or 3 of some.... but NO mempo. Most irritating... had they made the stinking Mempo one of the major arties I'd be done by now and happily testing Beta.... but NOOOO... Instead I've got to waste hour after hour after hour on this....NO way I have the 40 million to buy one. Really is upsetting an aggravating at the rate I have been trying to get one I feel I SHOULD have gotten one at least 4 times over by now.
You just confirmed the motive of keeping them rare has people actively hunting them. If they were easily obtained, everyone would be done with the event. Instead you still have masses of people hunting them. Even if they already have one, they'd like to get a 2nd or 3rd because of how valuable they will be.
