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Has anyone else noticed that Mortal Online is a clone of UO?



The more I read about this game the more im surprised by what I'm seeing. Very little of that game isn't directly "borrowed" from old UO. In fact I get the feeling that the game will feel similar to uo before trammel. Maybe the studio saw a niche and is trying to bring back those old uo players that lament the bygone era of PKing everyone? To be honest, the idea of paying a monthly fee to be ganked consistently is rather unappealing. That's pretty much why I felt Age of Conan sucked balls, but I digress.

From what I can tell there isn't a crafting system in any shape or form but everything the game does have is strikingly similar to old UO, including the same pvp flagging system (blue/grey/red). Even the inventory system is the same open gump system that UO uses lol. Basically it seems like they took UO before trammel and tweaked some gameplay mechanics, that's it.

In the end, I hate gank fests so I wont be playing it. I dislike such a hardcore pvp environment and I'm too much of a crafter to care. Still though I'm really surprised with how close the game is. It's so close I'd consider it more of a port than a sequel let alone a stand alone game unrelated to UO lol.

If you need any info on the game you can check out the big post that seems an awful lot like a commercial for it. lol http://vboards.stratics.com/showthread.php?t=147383

my 2 cents. What do you guys think?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think the better question is "Has anyone noticed Mortal Online?"

JC the Builder

Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In there announcement slideshow they even had something in there about competing directly with UO.