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Has anyone else had this problem with Healing gains?

Rhett Eiree

Stratics Veteran
I have two Cu's on different shards where healing skill gains stopped at 10 points below maximum (eg. 110/120 & 100/110). Whisper and Power Hour have no effect on healing skill gain even though Discordance skill (110+) does gain during these times.

This problem has gone on for 2-3 weeks. These pets have spent many hours fighting RC's, have died more times than I can count (me too) and have had multiple near death experiences. I was going to report this as a bug but thought I would ask here first.



Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I put GM poisoning on my char, disco my pet, cast poison on it over and over again. Its slow but will get you there.

Rhett Eiree

Stratics Veteran
So the problem I am having is specific to two Cu's. One has a 120 healing scroll and the other has a 110.

The Cu with the 120 scroll is stuck at 110. The Cu with the 110 scroll is stuck at 100.

I have older Cu's with 110 & 120 scrolls that are not stuck at the -10 maximum skill level. I have trained more Cu's than I am comfortable saying. Yes, I am obsessed with pet training. It doesn't sound like other tamers are having this problem. Thanks for looking anyway.


Stratics Veteran
So the problem I am having is specific to two Cu's. One has a 120 healing scroll and the other has a 110.

The Cu with the 120 scroll is stuck at 110. The Cu with the 110 scroll is stuck at 100.

I have older Cu's with 110 & 120 scrolls that are not stuck at the -10 maximum skill level. I have trained more Cu's than I am comfortable saying. Yes, I am obsessed with pet training. It doesn't sound like other tamers are having this problem. Thanks for looking anyway.
Actually i have 1 CU that may be stuck, at least he has not gained anything above 110(he has a 120 cap) and the satyr trick did not work, though only did for 20 minutes.


Ive discorded every single cu ive trained, it has not once lowered the healing ability.. enlighten me whoever has done this.


then why is everyone insisting to disco/poison your pet? it does literally nothing to improve healing skill other than its easier to poison your pet because lower poison resist.


Crazed Zealot
then why is everyone insisting to disco/poison your pet? it does literally nothing to improve healing skill other than its easier to poison your pet because lower poison resist.
Think you answered you question: lowers poison resist, makes poison more effective, pet gets more damage from all this, and uses healing more? Not sure as I have not done this..