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Hard time raising Mysticism on Cu


I have a 5 slot Cu that I had skilled up before I added on Mysticism & AI. It is currently at 34.4 Mysticism and the gains are slow. I have been bringing the Cu to the Orc Dungeon (During the training hour) thinking it would be a good place to gain but it is much slower than I anticipated. Does anyone have a suggestion what I should have my pet fight to help gain in Mysticism? Thanks for your help.


Stratics Veteran
I have a 5 slot Cu that I had skilled up before I added on Mysticism & AI. It is currently at 34.4 Mysticism and the gains are slow. I have been bringing the Cu to the Orc Dungeon (During the training hour) thinking it would be a good place to gain but it is much slower than I anticipated. Does anyone have a suggestion what I should have my pet fight to help gain in Mysticism? Thanks for your help.
Make sure you didn't turn the school of magic off by mistake. Is it only Ai myst ? because if you added poison, chiv, or any other school of magic it will make the first pick go dormant. The good news is you can turn it back on for 1 skill point if this is the case. If this is not the case I would take it to a dense spawn place like the orange slimes in under world. They have a super fast respawn rate and will keep the pet constantly fighting. Hope this helps, if ya have anymore questions my door is always open. =^-^=


Make sure you didn't turn the school of magic off by mistake. Is it only Ai myst ? because if you added poison, chiv, or any other school of magic it will make the first pick go dormant. The good news is you can turn it back on for 1 skill point if this is the case. If this is not the case I would take it to a dense spawn place like the orange slimes in under world. They have a super fast respawn rate and will keep the pet constantly fighting. Hope this helps, if ya have anymore questions my door is always open. =^-^=
Donavon, thanks for the advice. I went to the orange slimes and started skilling there and I just wanted to give an update. It has been a month since I posted, and I have been going to the slimes for an hour most mornings for the power hour and I am currently at 119.9. I know I haven't been going everyday but there were some days I just let it go crazy most of the day while I worked. It is amazing that I haven't gotten to 120 yet. It used to be gaining about 1 point per hour but now it is down to less.

I have a question for you on a completely different tangent. I saw an article you contributed to back in 2018 named "Favorite AoE Builds?" where you mentioned a build you did with a Fire Beetle where you had put AI/RC and Explosive Goo. I am doing the same build and have 200 points left but, am torn on where to put them. Lately, I have seen builds that have put 700 points into intelligence to get the mana regen increase and was thinking doing that but, those builds might have been ones that had a magic (I cant recall). In the end, my build would have 800 HPs, 500 Mana and 700 intelligence. Or should I put the points into Mana and end up with 700 Mana and 500 Intelligence? I was wondering if people have been reducing the hitpoints, because of consume, and increasing the mana and Intelligence to sustain the mana longer.

I have a standard 6x120 Mage/Tamer with max mana regen to keep the consume going and cast spells. I was going to use the pet to introduce me to the spawns. I haven't tried one yet. I was also thinking about how it would work with land treasuring (I am going to use the Mystic Cu for treasuring). What else do you use yours for.

Thanks for the input.


Stratics Veteran
Good morning, or afternoon, I'm glad your pet is doing well and my advice could be of some help. As for the Aoe build, I would go str over int. unless its just to bring the RC debuff to the group fight and its not for solo use. As it stands for ranged / boating pets or one that use magery which is very mana hungry the increase int build normally fits pretty well for most spec, and is a pure sustained damage increase, But for pure melee debuff pets I like the extra str as every 100 points of str is about 5%-8% damage to melee white swings and special moves. ( of course this can be increased by other factors such as pet / players spec and party buffs/ debuffs) Every 10 int is 3.3 mana per min for a pet. So at 700 int your pet gains 3.85 mana per sec which the game rounds to 4 mana per sec. while at 500 int the mana return is 2.75 mana per sec which the game will round to 3 mana per sec. So in total its a trade off of about 60 mana per min vs 5-10%-8-16% damage to melee swing/ armor ignore ( depending on the spec) so 2 extra armor ignores per min at best. Both are fine builds I just tend to find the str heavy one over the int one more effective for solo play. I hope this helps. If you have anymore questions my door is always open.. Happy 4th of July. =^-^=


Good morning, or afternoon, I'm glad your pet is doing well and my advice could be of some help. As for the Aoe build, I would go str over int. unless its just to bring the RC debuff to the group fight and its not for solo use. As it stands for ranged / boating pets or one that use magery which is very mana hungry the increase int build normally fits pretty well for most spec, and is a pure sustained damage increase, But for pure melee debuff pets I like the extra str as every 100 points of str is about 5%-8% damage to melee white swings and special moves. ( of course this can be increased by other factors such as pet / players spec and party buffs/ debuffs) Every 10 int is 3.3 mana per min for a pet. So at 700 int your pet gains 3.85 mana per sec which the game rounds to 4 mana per sec. while at 500 int the mana return is 2.75 mana per sec which the game will round to 3 mana per sec. So in total its a trade off of about 60 mana per min vs 5-10%-8-16% damage to melee swing/ armor ignore ( depending on the spec) so 2 extra armor ignores per min at best. Both are fine builds I just tend to find the str heavy one over the int one more effective for solo play. I hope this helps. If you have anymore questions my door is always open.. Happy 4th of July. =^-^=
Thanks Donavon for breaking it down with numbers. Happy 4th as well!