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Happy 6th Necro book - rare?

  • Thread starter Origin Thief
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0

Origin Thief

Hey everyone, I just got done sorting through some IDOC loot and came across a necro book. It's description is:

Happy 6th Anniversary UO! (in yellow)
16 Spells

Wondering if anyone knows of this book and what it may be worth?

Also, there were two items called 'blood' and shaped like a puddle of blood. I recall reading that blood tiles are rare, is this what this is? Know the value?

Sorry for not posting pictures, I have no clue how...

Thanks for your help


Go to http://imageshack.us/, upload your picture there.
Then insert it in the forums by typing '[ image]http://www.yourimage.com/abc.jpg[ /image]'. Just be sure to remove the spaces before image and /image.

Good luck.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hello there!
Nice find

Blood tiles go on Europa for around 5-7 mils.
That necro book is quite nice! I think it was a random giveout at the 6th anniversary and not everyone got something.
Should fetch some mils too

I think I paid 3 mils for my crook on europa.


I sold a Happy 6th Anniversary Necro Book with 7 spells in it last month on ATL for 10m. Most blood graphics sell for about 1-5m depending on their shape/size and rarity. There are some that sell significantly more but those are very hard to come by


Great Lakes Forever!
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
a special crook was given out with the advance template tameing
a necro book was given out with the advance char necromancer
a chivalry book was given out with teh advance charactor paladin
not sure on the other advanced templates but if i look in a bit which they were i can tell you the item for them

Hence tameing is such a bear to raise there is more crooks than otehr items


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've asked this before, and even spent quite a bit of time (for a couple months) at Wrong dungeon, both fel and tram, and never once saw an old mage camp. Someone several months ago claimed they still spawn..but, I will ask again.

Do the old blood tiles still spawn? (not talking about the dyed travesty puddles either)
