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Happy 4th of July!



Jest want to wish all you youngin's out there a safe and happy Fourth of July holiday. Don't ride them horses and other creatures whilst havin' had one too many of them ales from the taverns now. Enjoy ye family time get together's, eat yerself a bellyful of bbq and such.
Remember those who fought for and continue to fight for our freedom. And remember to say thankee to any of the dedicated service men and women, for keeping that freedom. And I say a thankee too to those who protect and serve, our law enforcement men and women.
Ya'll have a good time now!

*rocks in the rocker on the porch watching the fire works displays, sipping a glass of sweet tea* :heart:


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Happy Independence Day,

Celebrate Yes, but understand the History of What Ye Celebrate! On the Earth that sent us Lord British there was once a Great Realm, destined to become a Great Empire. Absent The Virtues, Tyranny and Oppression were visited upon the People. Those far distant tried relentlessly to repair their Friendship and Rights tween People and King.

Eventually, Patience, Loyalty, and Fealty gave way to a Declaration of Independence, a Declaration of the Divine Source of Rights, and the Purpose by and for which civil government is formed.

Enjoy thy ales, meats, and Magical fire sticks. But whether in Gatherings large, small, or solitary, Know What and Why We Celebrate! Never Forget!!

Sosarians ... Britainians as some prefer, Celebrate the Defeat of Mondain and the Founding of the Kingdom of Lord British, the Towns and Shrines to The Virtues!!!

Reflect upon these and let passions cool. Unity may yet be restored, even as the new Council is established with Representatives chosen of, by, and for the People; Preserve the Realm and Secure our Futures!

An SoS

Xel The Wanderer

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Happy 4th, everyone!

May your day be filled with much love, laughter, alcoholic beverages, nudity, more alcoholic beverages, perhaps even more nudity (but put some blinkin' sunscreen on because you don't want a third degree burn down under), smiles, and good blinkin' times! :thumbup:

Mama Faith

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Happy 4th, everyone!

May your day be filled with much love, laughter, alcoholic beverages, nudity, more alcoholic beverages, perhaps even more nudity (but put some blinkin' sunscreen on because you don't want a third degree burn down under), smiles, and good blinkin' times! :thumbup:
Since I consider you an authority on this subject, I shall take your advice, dear friend. *deep curtsy and a naughty wink*

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
It is a very sentimental feeling to not be home to celebrate Independence Day. I hope you all had a fun Holiday with lots of fireworks, good food, drink and friends!


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't drink and drive.

Do drink.


*walks away, holding head in hands from slight hangover*


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't drink and drive.

Do drink.


*walks away, holding head in hands from slight hangover*

Amber Witch

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Don't drink and drive.

Do drink.


*walks away, holding head in hands from slight hangover*
Don't drink and drive.

Do drink.


*walks away, holding head in hands from slight hangover*
I think it's more than a slight hangover because I've had nothing to drink and I'm seeing double. *grins*

Hope you had a good one.

Xel The Wanderer

Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Happy 4th, everyone!

May your day be filled with much love, laughter, alcoholic beverages, nudity, more alcoholic beverages, perhaps even more nudity (but put some blinkin' sunscreen on because you don't want a third degree burn down under), smiles, and good blinkin' times! :thumbup:
Since I consider you an authority on this subject, I shall take your advice, dear friend. *deep curtsy and a naughty wink*
I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about, Mama-san! *runs away, hoping the fig leaf around his groin stays in place* :danceb: