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Halloween Costume Ball & Contest: Saturday, October 23 at 8pm PST

EM Kaz

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Date and Time: Saturday, Oct. 23rd at 8pm PST
Meeting place: EM Hall of Commons
Event Type: Halloweenie Costume Ball & Contest!
Contact Characters: EM Cyno Razik & EM Kaz


What Halloween is complete without a costume party? The answer is: no Halloween is complete without a costume party. So BAM! Cyno and Kaz are making it happen. So head on over to the EM Hall of Commons on Saturday the 23rd at 8pm PST dressed in your Halloweenie best. Ha, that rhymes! Show up with your best costume and be the envy of Pacific!

If you don't already know where the EM Hall of Commons is, it's the building just a bit north of the Britain moongate. Don't worry, if you still don't know just head to Luna bank. A gate will be provided that takes you straight to the festivities!

There'll be contests for:

Best Overall Costume
Best Scary Costume
Best Funny Costume
Best Costume Story

We'll all get drunk and do silly things! And don't worry if you don't have a costume, show up anyway just to have some fun. You never know what might happen. And plus, you can watch as Cyno and Kaz berate each other with insults!

To participate in the Costume Contest, please come dressed in a costume and have a 1-line description of your costume ready!

This event is a social gathering so don't expect to be ambushed by wacky monsters or anything like that. It's a party baby! And remember, a gate will be provided at Luna Bank that takes you straight to the fun.