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Hacked Email, Security Question saves the Day



Yup... my turn to be under the Gun.

However... EA security question saved my account.

Thank you EA!

FYI and with the hope of annoying many of those hackers out there...

"What is the Account Security Challenge Question?

In order to add an extra layer of password security, new accounts are required to choose a security challenge question and answer. However, existing accounts can also add this feature, and we strongly recommend that all our players do so.

To add a security challenge question to your account, please do the following:

1. Visit the Account Management page.
2. Select Create Account.
3. Select Already have a member account and log in using your EA member account name.

Note: This may be different than your UO account name–in particular, older accounts may follow the pattern "uo_youruoaccountname." If, by adding the uo_ characters, your account name becomes more than 16 characters, this feature will not work. Please click the E-mail Us link to give us the complete information about your account, and a support representative will assist you.
4. The next screen should give you the option to select a security question. Follow all prompts to create a security challenge question and answer. Type carefully and choose an answer that only you would know.
5. Click Cancel. The security question will be applied to your account.

Note: If you do not click Cancel another UO account will be created.

This security question will be used whenever someone requests a password for that account. If you have forgotten your security question answer, please click the E-mail Us link, and submit a request to have your answer reset. We strongly encourage everyone to take advantage of this feature."


Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
so glad to hear that CatLord!!!
and i believe if you DONT get to the screen allowing you to set up a security question, it means that you've already set one up. guess you can test that by requesting your own password. i hope that EA will update their security question process so it's not completely counter-intuitive!!! i am glad they do offer that as an option though...


Two of my "decoy" accounts that were in place to raise the Alarm Flag got the password sent to the Email.
Not the Real ones...

Guess being paranoid has its advantages...

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Two of my "decoy" accounts that were in place to raise the Alarm Flag got the password sent to the Email.
Not the Real ones...

Guess being paranoid has its advantages...
that gives me chills to think about... i'm super paranoid too (my email and account was hacked last summer - thankfully they got just 1 account out of 3). i don't think it's possible to be too paranoid!

something else to keep in mind: if you have players friended to your house and if you have valuables secured in chests set to "friend" or "guild" - if they get hacked, and if they have runes to your house in their pack - nothing is going to stop the hacker from recalling around and checking for just that situation. my friend lost many valuables that way about 2 years ago when a person friended to his house was hacked and the hacker cleaned out anything he could access in my friend's house. your stuff is only as secure as your friends and guildies' personal computers and account information!

i also discovered something after buying an account 2 years ago - even after going through EA's official account-transfer process, when i logged in with all the characters on my new (vet) account, one of the chars was logged out in a friends house (i had no idea who's house it was, but the character on the account i had just bought was friended to that house) and i walked around and could access chests of stuff. i didn't take anything but it freaked me out that that isn't reset when an account is sold. i mentioned this one other time on the boards and got flamed by someone who said it's the house owner's responsibility to know when an account is sold and remove that account from being friended to his house... but i'm guessing not everyone tells all their friends that they're ditching their account.


Can you tell me how to edit my security question. When going through each of my accounts to make sure I set up a security question, one account I can't seem to get the answer right (that's what I get for living so many different places!). I know the password so I guess it isn't really a problem but I would sure like to change the question to one easier for me to remember.


All my "goodies" and souvenirs are in a grand fathered Trammel house.
Only one of my characters has a rune to it.
The rune is named after one of the Legacy Dungeons.


Can you tell me how to edit my security question. When going through each of my accounts to make sure I set up a security question, one account I can't seem to get the answer right (that's what I get for living so many different places!). I know the password so I guess it isn't really a problem but I would sure like to change the question to one easier for me to remember.

I believe you cant change it.


I believe you cant change it.
I better never forget my password then. Seems silly if you know the password why you can't change the security question.

Thank you for the reply and for the information. I did find one account that didn't have a security question set so I followed your instructions to set one for it.


Improving the Games security... one account at a time.

Have fun!


Improving the Games security... one account at a time.

Have fun!
My sister helped me figure out the correct information on the security question I couldn't seem to get right.

I applaud them for the added security and am glad it helped avert a tragedy for your accounts.

I was one of those who got hacked back in 2005 (October 5, 2005 to be exact) because of the lax security. They got control of my e-mail, then got all my accounts associated with my e-mail sent to them and then got all my passwords sent to them. This added security would sure have put a stop to that.


Most of the times... the problem isnt the software... it is the people we trust.

The Network Director sure took this threat seriously and a complaint was filled... and this was a federal email.


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
In order to add an extra layer of password security, new accounts are required to choose a security challenge question and answer. However, existing accounts can also add this feature, and we strongly recommend that all our players do so.

To add a security challenge question to your account, please do the following:

1. Visit the Account Management page.
2. Select Create Account.
3. Select Already have a member account and log in using your EA member account name.

Note: This may be different than your UO account name–in particular, older accounts may follow the pattern "uo_youruoaccountname." If, by adding the uo_ characters, your account name becomes more than 16 characters, this feature will not work. Please click the E-mail Us link to give us the complete information about your account, and a support representative will assist you.
4. The next screen should give you the option to select a security question. Follow all prompts to create a security challenge question and answer. Type carefully and choose an answer that only you would know.
5. Click Cancel. The security question will be applied to your account.

Note: If you do not click Cancel another UO account will be created.

This security question will be used whenever someone requests a password for that account. If you have forgotten your security question answer, please click the E-mail Us link, and submit a request to have your answer reset. We strongly encourage everyone to take advantage of this feature."

the choices after selecting and typing the answer are only "OK" and "NEXT" ~~ I don't see a "CANCEL"



clik ok... then close window.

Then try to ask your password and verify all is working properly.

Seems EA improved it since my last FYI about the security question.



Most of the times... the problem isnt the software... it is the people we trust.

The Network Director sure took this threat seriously and a complaint was filled... and this was a federal email.
Mine wasn't anyone I trusted or even knew and they didn't know me. I won't state who it was but it was a guild who is known to hack accounts.

Then you put the lax security that Cox has in regards to e-mails and, at the time, no security for UO accounts and that made for a disaster.

My e-mail is now my work e-mail who I am administrator for. There is no way ANYONE is going ever get control of my e-mail now.


the choices after selecting and typing the answer are only "OK" and "NEXT" ~~ I don't see a "CANCEL"

I just had the same thing happen to me but it was on an account that I hadn't already set a security question for. You need to chose a security question and put in your answer, hit okay. Then I believe it's the next screen that you need to hit cancel.

zared of napa

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yup... my turn to be under the Gun.

However... EA security question saved my account.

Thank you EA!

FYI and with the hope of annoying many of those hackers out there...

"What is the Account Security Challenge Question?

In order to add an extra layer of password security, new accounts are required to choose a security challenge question and answer. However, existing accounts can also add this feature, and we strongly recommend that all our players do so.

To add a security challenge question to your account, please do the following:

1. Visit the Account Management page.
2. Select Create Account.
3. Select Already have a member account and log in using your EA member account name.

Note: This may be different than your UO account name–in particular, older accounts may follow the pattern "uo_youruoaccountname." If, by adding the uo_ characters, your account name becomes more than 16 characters, this feature will not work. Please click the E-mail Us link to give us the complete information about your account, and a support representative will assist you.
4. The next screen should give you the option to select a security question. Follow all prompts to create a security challenge question and answer. Type carefully and choose an answer that only you would know.
5. Click Cancel. The security question will be applied to your account.

Note: If you do not click Cancel another UO account will be created.

This security question will be used whenever someone requests a password for that account. If you have forgotten your security question answer, please click the E-mail Us link, and submit a request to have your answer reset. We strongly encourage everyone to take advantage of this feature."

In addition I think EA should add even a third option if we choose to use it.Verify the billing credit card last 4 digits along with a security question.alot of people use the same credit card month after month. and for the people that pay via other means a 4 digit securty code.Those evil hackers can still by pass a security question

Marcus Blackwell

If you dont even get the option for a security question does that mean you already have one put in place? Cant remember if I did this with my account when they allowed vet accounts to have these questions or not..hehe

Nine Dark Moons

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
i believe it does marcus. i ran into the same thing. perhaps try requesting your own pw and see if you get asked a security question? i was going to try that later.


Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Very good feature. It's about time they did this. Wonder what took them so long.


i believe it does marcus. i ran into the same thing. perhaps try requesting your own pw and see if you get asked a security question? i was going to try that later.
That's what I did to check and see if I had security questions set up on all my accounts. All of them that I did have the security question on asked for it then once answered gave me the message that my password had been sent to my e-mail. The one that I did not have a security question set on just gave me the message that my password had been sent to my e-mail.


It should be UO_"your UO login name"

Old timer accounts had the "UO_" added to the front of your login name for the EA account name. At least this is what it should be.
What a good memory you have! You are correct. All of my accounts are "UO_(account name)".

Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
What a good memory you have! You are correct. All of my accounts are "UO_(account name)".
Thanks - now if I could just remember the more important things in life! :eek:

I also just noticed that the OP had this in their steps as well:

Note: This may be different than your UO account name–in particular, older accounts may follow the pattern "uo_youruoaccountname." If, by adding the uo_ characters, your account name becomes more than 16 characters, this feature will not work. Please click the E-mail Us link to give us the complete information about your account, and a support representative will assist you.


I got an email yesterday telling me my password, yet never actually asked for it. As soon as it arrived I changed my password. Might go add the security question now...


Stratics Legend
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got an email yesterday telling me my password, yet never actually asked for it. As soon as it arrived I changed my password. Might go add the security question now...

so, everyone, this makes me curious... does it mean that someone is randomly trying names to hit live accounts?