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EM Announcement Gypsies, Tramps and Orcs?-one more day


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hi All,
I hate to do this Again..but I have to postpone the event One more day until Tuesday 17th. It has been a crummy week! First RL work decided to put me on late shift. bleh, then my car died and left me stranded, have found a new car, and now have to go pick it up later this evening.( Won't elaborate on the fact that I fell going UP the stairs! *shakes fist at Grindylow persona*). We all know how much paper work is involved in that procedure! I PROMISE. the event will be done tomorrow night. Again, I apologize. When it rains it totally pours sometimes :D

Event date set: Tuesday, 6/17
Time: 6pm PST