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GW2 Winning New Fans, One Player at a Time



Great article from Carol Pinchefsky over at Forbes, who began her journey with the GW2 beta as no great fan of MMO's, and how her short time in the GW2 beta turned her into a GW2 fan.

The original article can be found here Guild Wars 2: First Impressions of the Beta - Forbes.

Guild Wars 2: First Impressions of the Beta

I’ll be honest up front: I’m not an MMO player. Yeah, I dabbled in Champions Online, and I spent more than a few sessions puzzle-solving in Uru Live (a.k.a. Myst Online). But when an MMO-obsessed friend sent me a Guild Wars 2 (GW2) beta key, I gave in to curiosity and fired up the game. The first thing that went through my mind was, “These graphics are pretty decent.” The second was, “Ah-hah, I’m playing Dragon Age: The MMO.” The third was, “I wish I had more than an afternoon to power through this.”

The comparison to Bioware’s 2009 RPG is more apt than you might have guessed, and not just because of the pseudo-medieval action and prominent use of dragons on the loading screen. Depending on your choice of starting race and background, you get a different primary storyline. If you’re thinking this sounds like the “Origins” in Dragon Age: Origins, you’re not wrong.

I chose a female human noble with a talent for healing spells and martial combat—a Guardian. My particular storyline involved helping out my buddy, a cocky city nobleman. But after answering a few starting questions (including choosing my greatest regret), I started life in GW2 like every human, by repelling a centaur invasion outside the city of Divinity’s Reach.

My introduction was quite an adrenaline-rush. More or less immediately, those damned centaurs were everywhere, pillaging and wreaking serious havoc. So I did what anyone would have in my position: I shouted, “No mercy!” and attacked.

Following relatively obvious cues, I quickly met NPCs (more on them later) who pointed me toward the next part of the encounter. Several dead centaurs and many grateful rescued villagers later, I ended up at a garrison. I took on a much larger horde (herd?) of centaurs with other players who’d arrived at the same time, followed by a major—and visually impressive—smackdown with an Earth Elemental.
And I thought, “I think I’m going to like it here.”

After the fight, I was able to stop and assess. I had just participated in an Event, a kind of free-for-all quest that happens whether I’m there or not. According to the GW2 wiki, Events can have multiple outcomes, each of which can then spawn other Events. Awesome.

The remarkable thing about this is that none of this gameplay was forced. I could follow the plot, ignore it, or catch up to it later, and I didn’t have to coordinate with other players. What I liked even better: Everyone who takes part in completing an objective gets some credit proportional to how much they contributed. Do well, and you’re rewarded with a gold medal when it’s all over; turn up halfway through, and you might get a bronze or nothing at all.

Those NPCs I mentioned above? They’re quest givers, sort of—except it turns out GW2 doesn’t roll that way. You can participate in an activity just by turning up in the area it’s located and throwing in with whomever happens to be there. The NPC is there to give the activity a purpose (usually, the objective is to help the NPC), and to give the player extra information and background if they want it—but you can also just ignore them. No need to talk to them to start a quest, no need to talk to them later to end it.

I loved that about GW2. Why approach Farmer Eda and ask to assist her against the orchard spiders that plague her trees when you can just simply walk down a mountainside and have the activity appear automagically?

If you’re in the area for a given activity, its objective appears on your screen in a brief summary (with the current state of progress as an ever-filling bar) as you and other players work to complete it. Most activities have multiple tasks that contribute to the completion of their objective. In one case, I could water some corn and/or stomp on wurms to clear a field; in another, I could chase down bandits and/or return their ill-gotten goods.

Your personal storyline is different. You enter each subsequent location in your personal story as a private instance dedicated just to you (and presumably your party if you have one. I didn’t). The HUD map shows you the boundaries of the instance, and if you wander through them, your personal bit of plot vanishes and you’re folded back into the general world—the same place, but no longer private and no plot dedicated to you. Completing the plot segment allows you to end the instance immediately. You can also leave the slow way, by travelling through the instance edge.

At the end of significant happenings (say, the end of the introductory centaur invasion or completing part of your personal storyline), you get a cut scene involving dialogue, presented against 2D still-life imagery, which works just fine for the context. In the ones I experienced, I didn’t get conversation options though, something I would have enjoyed. (Perhaps in a future enhancement…?)

I spent quite a bit of time ignoring the plot and just running around looking for people to help and things to help them with. There’s certainly plenty to do, helping the locals defend themselves from bandits or eliminating unusually aggressive fauna. And if an Event kicks off nearby, the map will highlight it for you with a circle (shown in a hand-drawn style, a nice touch), so you can run over to pitch in.

As for the map, it shows you the “activities” that you’ve discovered so far, each one indicated by a heart symbol. The heart is hollow until the objective is completed by the participating players, at which point it turns solid gold. (It wasn’t clear to me, however, whether you got the heart just for being there or needed to achieve “gold” status.) This way, you can see what you’ve done and have yet to do in the game world.

(Of course, this being an MMO, nothing is every truly finished, and you can come back through any completed section and help out other players.)

The map also shows sporadically located NPCs with spyglass icons. These will tell you about nearby activities that can use your help, causing their hollow heart icons to appear on the map, along with the locations of nearby merchants, chevrons for earned skill points—ways to expand your character’s skills that I did not quite get to in my playthrough—and trainers to help you spend those skill points I didn’t have any of.

The map also notes the game’s “waypoints,” that is, fast-travel stops. Once you’ve found a waypoint (just walk near it), you can travel back to that point for a small cost from anywhere else on the map. You don’t need to get to one to travel to another.

GW2 rewards you for exploration as well as combat, and the game provides many “points of interest” for you to discover. Finding a point of interest gives you its name, along with some XP, and as with hearts, the “points of interest” icons turn from black to gold. Wandering the streets of Divinity’s Reach, I appreciated the break from combat that exploration offered.

Character classes seem to be designed to handle themselves without having to need company. I selected a Guardian character with both combat and healing abilities (but also because she was dressed in something other than lingerie. Seriously, what is it with fantasy MMOs?). It turned out to be a good choice. I was able to throw down with a mace and had some decent defensive and offensive powers, which I used to both harass the enemy and to buff myself and nearby players. It certainly helped to have other players around when things got busy, but I didn’t need to explicitly coordinate with them.

In a nice touch, if you’re defeated in combat, you don’t immediately die. Instead, you can fight for your life in a semi-prone position, with your primary skills available to you in a last-ditch attempt to defeat your foe while a life bar slowly fills. Succeed, and you spring back to life. If you’re thinking, “Hey, that’s just like Borderlands,” again, you’re not wrong, and it’s a nifty game mechanic.

If you fail, you die and can either return to the nearest fast-transit point…or you can wait for someone to revive you. Anyone can revive another fallen player; it’s not restricted to certain classes (although, as a Guardian, I could apparently heal faster than other classes). If you’re the one who is being revived, you see a life bar fill up as you heal; if it reaches full capacity, you’re back in action. If you’re the reviver, you don’t see the bar, so you don’t know how much time reviving a fallen player will take. In a tricky combat situation, several different players may spend a moment trying to resuscitate you before breaking off to deal with incoming hostiles.

My basic abilities unlocked as I leveled up from 1 to around 5, making new icons light up on my HUD. In addition, there are daily and monthly objectives for both you and all other players in the area. One personal daily objective (which I didn’t quite reach), for example, was to use a total number of different weapons during play. I did manage to pick up a broken spar and beat a centaur to death with it, so there’s that.

GW2 features both NPC traders and the Trading Post (an auction house). I was able to purchase a new mace with an innate healing bonus this way, though due to some slightly unclear feedback from the game, I ended up buying three of them, and then couldn’t figure out how to actually get them into my inventory. It turned out I needed to “pick up” the items so that I could actually use them.

Another annoyance: I couldn’t swap out weapons until I was level 7. Seriously irritating.

What else can I say? I didn’t get to try crafting, though it’s clearly in the game. While I availed myself of a pick, I never got to the requisite level 10 to use it. And I didn’t try PvP because I don’t care about PvP. Despite that being a major point of Guild Wars (the clue is in the name), wonderfully, there’s no obvious need to participate. I didn’t get to earn a skill point, so I didn’t get a chance to try out training or expansion of my abilities.

The world of Tyria looks great. Both the outdoors environments and the city hub of Divinity’s Reach are richly detailed and visually impressive. The designers have put a ton of effort into making this look as good as any single-player game, and at least while I was playing, there was no noticeable lag or graphics issues. One reason I’ve tended to ignore other MMOs is their lack of visual appeal. GW2 is a place I actually enjoyed exploring.

I don’t play MMOs as a rule. I’m still not wowed by WoW. But I can honestly say I enjoyed GW2. It has the visual interest that other MMOs I’ve tried have lacked. It also gave me some of the experience I’d hoped for from Dragon Age, but as someone who was stuck in Orzammar for what felt like eons, I actually enjoyed GW2 a lot better. Best of all, I never once found a need to join a guild–ironic, given the name of the game. Perhaps a few levels later there’ll be more reason to, but it’s not a requirement for basic survival.

If GW2 is an example of how MMOs roll, then I might be rolling with GW2.

(Thanks to Peter Wainwright and Darin Fiorenza.)
Thank you to both Forbes and Carol Pinchefsky for sharing her views and, more importantly, joining the GW2 player nation!


Grand Inquisitor
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nice article find Bella :)

I also was at a loss on the auction trade house when I bought items. I accidently bought 2 pieces because it wasn't showing in my inventory. I then realized also to use the pickup option :p

In WvWvW once you go to defeated stage we would use the F key so you couldn't fight back to life. We all learned that real quick. It's a great feature for PvE because a couple times I fought my way back to life while in the downed state.