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guy lost plot at fel atl idoc keep

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
guy lost a plot at a fel idoc keep. big money/gold. when he went inside, it disappeared lol. gm says was bugged lol.


Tram keep idoc placed i placed the keep hit ok went to walk in could not. Looked at sign idoc guy name on it.

Key broad went through screen into the wall behind it.


Yes I did was a cheap one. Was waiting 16 hrs for that spot.

Was back in 2013.

Broken many 360 controllers as well back in the day

UNKNOWN of Atlantic

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
SO @Lord Arm I take it you know this guy who was Momma So fat character whos house it was a 7x7 & he tried to resize and lost plot .. he has another plot and wont contact anyone in castle spot ..so i think couldn't have happened to a better person LOL

Lord Arm

Stratics Veteran
as far as i know, he didnt try to resize. it just disappeared. im so glad i never place lol. i would love an atl castle but with all the hate with it is not worth it to me. most will have a very small chance at getting a castle, for many reasons.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
as far as i know, he didnt try to resize. it just disappeared. im so glad i never place lol. i would love an atl castle but with all the hate with it is not worth it to me. most will have a very small chance at getting a castle, for many reasons.
Out of reach for most players. If need at lest 25p or alot of cash.

Castles where ment for guilds not single players when they made them. But they became a status symbol for people that had the gold to fork it out over them.

On Atlantic you have to be very lucky to get one. On the other shards you can get them alot cheaper.

How rarely do they drop. Maybe 4 or 5 a year on Atlantic if that. I know 3 fell on ice Island a few years back but that was becasue they where owned by the same person that was eather banned or died.

Am not rich myself in game or irl and the castle i own i got 6 years ago gold in game payed 1000mil back then . And some of the offers I have had was more then I make in 2 months..