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Guild Wars 2 is Fun


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
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I didn't play the original Guild Wars and I didn't participate in GW2 beta, so this past Saturday was my very first exposure to every facet--skills, traits, races, professions, HUD, engine, etc. My decision to purchase the title was a bit whimsical, as I have been *over* MMORPGs for several years. After winning UO, I tried some of the other MMORPGs, but didn't find them appealing in the slightest. GW2, though, looked different.

It has been. Here are a few reasons that I love it. First, I like the personal story facet. In some ways, it captures what UO attempted to do: even amid other players, you are the hero, the avatar.

Second, I love that I am awarded experience for exploration and dynamic events. My most advanced character is only level 15, but I have done zero grinding to make it there. Instead, I've spent my time exploring the map to find overlooks and points of interest. Every time I find one, I earn experience. In between finding them, I constantly stumble upon different dynamic events, for which I also earn experience (and find cool gear). I've had no downtime and no drudgery.

Third, I love the balance of the professions. I can play a pure mage without accompaniment by a tank; I can take down the same creatures with a similar level thief as I can with a similar level ranger/pet.

Fourth, I love that regardless of my profession, I have to choose between 5-10 skills/spells/abilities at a time. I do not miss having 30 macros + 30 spell icons on my desktop.

Fifth, I love the choose-your-own-adventure-ness (<-new, copyrighted phrase) of the decisions. Am I going to save the hospital or the orphanage? Do I pursue the badguy or wait for reinforcements and risk his escape? Do I kill the prisoner, keep him safe, or turn a blind eye and let my companions rough him up?

I'm still a huge noob. Don't know how best to invest my traits or skill points, so I haven't. Haven't bought any armor, nor used the market. Haven't begun to explore crafting. But I feel like that's ok. I'm having fun w/o responsibility. :D


Grand Inquisitor
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Stratics Legend
I couldn't of said it any better myself.

GW2 has given me that feeling what UO did those many years ago. Exploration, playing my character as I choose to, no grinding, crafting means something, and no holy trinity. Let me emphasize on what Syrus said in his post. Its "FUN!"

I have ventured into two crafting professions with my Warrior. While I am exploring and fighting I come across nodes to mine. So I can just stop and mine real quick , then go right back to the battle.

The Dynamic Events just are fun. If we fail the event changes. If we win the event changes. So the are constant.

Syrus had asked me why I was level 5 when I was level 17 in reality when we partied. I had ran back into a lower area to meet him which scaled me back down so I would not be basically one hitting mobs. So even though I was truly a higher level it was just as the same as fighting the mobs at lower levels if I was at level 5.

Personal story just rocks. Plain and simple. I am my own hero and choose how my story goes.

If I die in battle and others are around there they can come and rez me. Just as UO had many templates with healing that could resurrect players so does GW2. Everybody has their own heals. You can resuurect players and NPCs. Everybody jumps on you if they can to help because you do gain XP by doing so. The downed state also gives me a chance to rez myself if I can defeat the foe in a short period time while I am in that state.

I am totally enjoying myself as over the million of players will be today :)


Former Stratics CEO (2011-2014)
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Benefactor
Syrus had asked me why I was level 5 when I was level 17 in reality when we partied. I had ran back into a lower area to meet him which scaled me back down so I would not be basically one hitting mobs. So even though I was truly a higher level it was just as the same as fighting the mobs at lower levels if I was at level 5.
Forgot about that. I like that, too. That means no area of the game ever becomes irrelevant.


I played the origional GW and will probably be investing in GW2 later this year, from what I have been reading and viewing it looks like a real upgrade fro the origional GW but still has the great features