Membership Requirements
1.) Must have an acceptable roleplay name.
2.) Willingness to learn to roleplay.
3.) Roleplay background to your character (Character History and such).
4.) No bright glowing neon coloured hair or equipment; dull exotic hues are allowed by leader's discretion.
5.) Just be a decent and reasonable person.
General Guild Rules
1.) Must Roleplay at all times using correct language and adhere to Roleplaying factors such as line of sight and In character knowledge. Of course there are always those new to Roleplay so you must be willing to learn and better your roleplay ability over time. (Follow Beginners Roleplay Guide).
2.) Must follow the Rules of Engagement and Guild restrictions for things such as arms and armour.
3.) Be polite and respectful of your fellow Roleplayers Out of Character and In Character to the extent of your own character's personality. (For example your character might be foul mouthed and such in game, but show the respect of not attacking someone without warning.)
4.) If there are any problems in game that effect you Out of Character such as someone breaking rules or power playing using knowledge their character couldn't possibly know; then you report this to the guild leaders straight away to deal with behind the scenes. You DO NOT take matters into your own hands and make the situation worse by going on a killing spree or something.
5.) No god mode roleplaying. For example no having stupid abilities or traits on your character that are simply overpowered or inhuman or roleplaying a god for that matter. Certain special characters may be created for certain events and storylines with such characteristics but they must be cleared with guild leaders first.
6.) No going off on your own purely for PvP to attack people without warning. For example you must have a reason for being in enemy territories and fighting someone other than just for a PvP fix.
Skill Restrictions/Rules
1.) Whilst Vesper has less strict rules skill wise, this IS NOT an excuse to create uber templates for RP PvP. We are an RP guild first and foremost before anything else.
2.) You must have a roleplay reason/background for your character to have certain skills and abilities. For example if you have bushido then perhaps your character lived in Zento for a few years and trained under a samurai.
3.) If you change skills on active characters then you MUST provide a reported storyline on the forums for doing so. For example if you want to pick up spellweaving on a character then you must create a storyline report thread on our IC board with screenshots showing your development and quest to learn this new skill.
4.) NO necromancy in the Redguard. Necromancy is only allowed if cleared with the guild leader before hand for an acceptable role/reason in Vesper.
Breaking these rules multiple times may result in your removal from the guild by judgement of the guild leaders. Especially if you show no intent on roleplaying or willingness to learn.
1.) Must have an acceptable roleplay name.
2.) Willingness to learn to roleplay.
3.) Roleplay background to your character (Character History and such).
4.) No bright glowing neon coloured hair or equipment; dull exotic hues are allowed by leader's discretion.
5.) Just be a decent and reasonable person.
General Guild Rules
1.) Must Roleplay at all times using correct language and adhere to Roleplaying factors such as line of sight and In character knowledge. Of course there are always those new to Roleplay so you must be willing to learn and better your roleplay ability over time. (Follow Beginners Roleplay Guide).
2.) Must follow the Rules of Engagement and Guild restrictions for things such as arms and armour.
3.) Be polite and respectful of your fellow Roleplayers Out of Character and In Character to the extent of your own character's personality. (For example your character might be foul mouthed and such in game, but show the respect of not attacking someone without warning.)
4.) If there are any problems in game that effect you Out of Character such as someone breaking rules or power playing using knowledge their character couldn't possibly know; then you report this to the guild leaders straight away to deal with behind the scenes. You DO NOT take matters into your own hands and make the situation worse by going on a killing spree or something.
5.) No god mode roleplaying. For example no having stupid abilities or traits on your character that are simply overpowered or inhuman or roleplaying a god for that matter. Certain special characters may be created for certain events and storylines with such characteristics but they must be cleared with guild leaders first.
6.) No going off on your own purely for PvP to attack people without warning. For example you must have a reason for being in enemy territories and fighting someone other than just for a PvP fix.
Skill Restrictions/Rules
1.) Whilst Vesper has less strict rules skill wise, this IS NOT an excuse to create uber templates for RP PvP. We are an RP guild first and foremost before anything else.
2.) You must have a roleplay reason/background for your character to have certain skills and abilities. For example if you have bushido then perhaps your character lived in Zento for a few years and trained under a samurai.
3.) If you change skills on active characters then you MUST provide a reported storyline on the forums for doing so. For example if you want to pick up spellweaving on a character then you must create a storyline report thread on our IC board with screenshots showing your development and quest to learn this new skill.
4.) NO necromancy in the Redguard. Necromancy is only allowed if cleared with the guild leader before hand for an acceptable role/reason in Vesper.
Breaking these rules multiple times may result in your removal from the guild by judgement of the guild leaders. Especially if you show no intent on roleplaying or willingness to learn.