It seems that by the photos I took above, Guards are being bribed to look the other way while the Protesters and Rioters are getting their own way. To no surprise, A Merchant ship, preparing to depart for more supplies and goods, was stopped by Rioters and to make things worse and have their word heard, they set the ship on fire. The ship damaged by fires is unfortunately unable to set sail on schedule and and the Captain was being stated as saying that they will need to hire carpenters and blacksmiths to do repairs. In "Traitor to Skara Brea", it seems that one of the Rioters was questioned as to further information on the movement of other Rioters. Obviously, he didn't want to talk and was tortured to the extent that his body parts were left to leave a message to the others on what lies in store for those that are defying local Officals.
In other news, The ferry docks and the ferrys boats themselves were set afire to prevent the crossing of any re-inforcements. The dockmasters were seen running for their own safety as some of the "Corrupted Guards" are turning their backs on the Residence of Skara Brea all for the sake of becoming rich and not having their homes or families harmed.
Well, if thats the case in fact, then the residence of Skara Brea are definately in need of outside assistance. Without local Guard protection, the city will be a haven for more influx of Rioters and Protesters.