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EM Event Grindylow's Mishap


UO Event Moderator
UO Event Moderator
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Grindylow looked at the order book lying on the counter. Her eyes widened at the size of the orders of goblins and ghoolies needed for the Halloween rush. She glanced over at Grizelda who was working feverishly, tossing bits and pieces from jars into the big cauldron, while muttering under her breath the spells to bring the creatures to life. Grindylow started tapping the side of her nose and her right foot, (not such a good sign, as we know it means she's thinking). A little light bulb appeared over her head as the thought creeped in.
"Yes that's it!" she thought to herself. "I'll help Grizelda out by filling some of these orders!" Rushing to her little work bench she began gathering supplies...

Event: Grindylow's Mishap

Date: 10/13/12

Time: 7:30pm PST

Meet: Grindylow at Moonglow Bank