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[Buying] Griffin Snow Statues

Irulia Darkaith

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Looking for two of these snow statues (these are the full statues, not the cut-in-half winged horse statues) - trade is also possible if you want the fireflies that were also an option with the tickets.

Leave me a message here or ICQ me at 8249606


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you talking of holiday tickets ?

Of what year and holiday ?

Irulia Darkaith

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you talking of holiday tickets ?

Of what year and holiday ?
Yes it was from holiday tickets, but I can't remember how long ago (can't be more than three years)

I just remember you could choose from snow statues (there was a mermaid, half-pegasus, griffin), or christmas lights (you got 5 or 6 in deed format), a pot of eggnog and something else I can't remember - snow piles?


Always Present
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Are you talking of holiday tickets ?

Of what year and holiday ?
Yes it was from holiday tickets, but I can't remember how long ago (can't be more than three years)

I just remember you could choose from snow statues (there was a mermaid, half-pegasus, griffin), or christmas lights (you got 5 or 6 in deed format), a pot of eggnog and something else I can't remember - snow piles?

Is perhaps this what you are referring to ?

at the link UO Stratics - Items Catalogue: Holiday and Special items

A random, specially hued, statuette. These statues are named after notable characters from Ultima Online fiction, seen as “a statue of {name}” when single-clicking the statues. The character name and colors are random for each statuette selection. There are 4 statue types, 15 colors and 37 names. Blessed!

Names: Anon, Blackthorne, Clainin, CrawWorth, Dawn, Dupre, Duryn, Finth Desryn, Geoffrey, Gilforn, G'Thunk, G'Splat, Gwenno, Halston Montil, Hartham, Iolo, Jaana, Joye, Julia, Junin Pince, Juo'nar, Katrina, Keeonean, Kyrnia, Lathiari, Mariah, Martoo Saul, Malabelle, Minax, Mondain, Nystul, Relvinian, Sage Humbolt, Shamino, Tyball, Uzeraan, Xendella Kryss

Irulia Darkaith

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nope, not even close - though I do have a bunch of those.

But I did google and find a link for the statues. It was from 2009 if you want to take a look, here's what the choices are, or rather were..

Holiday 2009 - UOGuide, the Ultima Online encyclopedia

Anyway, thanks for trying, but after much cleaning up in my homes and going through bank accounts I actually found two snow statue tickets which I used to get my griffins.