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Greetings Pacific!


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Today, I am back on Pacific and boy do I have some plans for you guys! I basically re-activated a third account of mine and it is being used as my "Pacific" account... You might see me in game as Ethelion Valous, I am slowly going to make my way to become the next GM of Rangers of Skara Brae, the guild is going to go through a massive change but we're still keeping it to the code, we're coming up with storylines, scenarios and plots that any guild or roleplayer may take part in and we're going to make a big return! Robin and I are excited to get things moving again for this guild and RP in general within Felucca.. See you all in game!


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Dude I already like you for 3 reasons!

1. Thats a great idea
2. You like The Thundercats
3. You like The Transformers

And question... how do you feel about Voltron and Robotech???

Pink Floyd

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Stratics Legend
As a prior council-elected warder of Skara Brae I can say I am disappointed to see that caribou may run the glorious rangers guild.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Velvathos you can count on R3 for any help we can give. Good luck on the endevaour!

Duke X. Winter

*sigh* Well, RSB was ONCE a well respected guild. Too bad it won't be ever again. All good things must come to an end.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*sigh* Well, RSB was ONCE a well respected guild. Too bad it won't be ever again. All good things must come to an end.
Heh... I am assuming you somehow mean that with me as the GM of RSB that it will no longer be a respected guild or do you mean in its current state? It's really just ME and Robin. RSB is already a respected guild and shall remain so..


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
As a prior council-elected warder of Skara Brae I can say I am disappointed to see that caribou may run the glorious rangers guild.
You do know I have been gone from Pacific for three to four years and the last time I was with the community I did reporting for a short period of time and was well respected here before leaving to Europa, I left behind two guilds that My work hours though are killing me from being fully active there as I cannot be on during peak hours. I am not the same player I once was.. One of the great things about the UO community is that people are always welcomed back, I have been through a lot during my time away from the shard and it is time for me to come back..

You are more than welcomed as well to join back up as well, we are bringing back the council and we are looking for active role-players to join in on it. I am not here to talk about RSB though, I started this thread to mark my return to Pacific.. :)

Duke X. Winter

Heh... I am assuming you somehow mean that with me as the GM of RSB that it will no longer be a respected guild or do you mean in its current state? It's really just ME and Robin. RSB is already a respected guild and shall remain so..
Point blank, I think adding you to the guild is a mistake. Sorry, just being honest.


Velvathos, I just wanted to say, I am glad to have you back in game. I am actually quite shocked that Pink Floyd and Duke X. Winter felt the need to post a negative comment about you joining and running RSB. I think you will do a great job, and I am excited to see RSB becoming a well respected guild again. Point blank, I think the comments of Pink Floyd and Duke X. Winter were a mistake, and seriously unnecessary. Sorry, just being honest.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Point blank, I think adding you to the guild is a mistake. Sorry, just being honest.
Point blank, I fail to see your logic and reasoning as to why I shouldn't be? Oh, wait, you probably don't think I should be any guild for that matter, or role-playing and helping out the community..

Stop stirring up a crap on here, we don't want nor need it.. It's comments like yours why I left Pacific in the first place.. Instead of a warm welcome back to the community, people get **** on..

As a prior council-elected warder of Skara Brae I can say I am disappointed to see that caribou may run the glorious rangers guild.
The never forget and forgive have a strong presence here on Pacific! Don't let the door hit you on your way out..


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
As a prior council-elected warder of Skara Brae I can say I am disappointed to see that caribou may run the glorious rangers guild.
The never forget and forgive have a strong presence here on Pacific! Don't let the door hit you on your way out..
Moving on to bigger and better things. Austa la vista!

Good luck with whatever you have to bring to the very few left in UO.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Moving on to bigger and better things. Austa la vista!

Good luck with whatever you have to bring to the very few left in UO.
Just because you keep repeating it won't make it true. ;) Last two weeks, I've recruited 20 new or returning players. Once again I reiterate, just because your clique left UO doesn't mean it's dead.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just because you keep repeating it won't make it true. ;) Last two weeks, I've recruited 20 new or returning players. Once again I reiterate, just because your clique left UO doesn't mean it's dead.
And this is VERY true and the whole reason why I am back on my home shard of Pacific.. The current players are starving themselves and can't seem to gather the intelligence to try something new, RSB was a one man guild until recently, now we have at least 8-9 new players...

The days of LUNA bank sitting and greed is coming to an end, people cry and moan for classic shards, more activity, but they show clearly in game that they do not want these things, zero effort whatsoever.. And the community is far better than what it was the last time I played on Pacific, I am fairly happy with it..

Also, activity breeds activity..

And thanks for all that have shown support, see you all in game!


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just because you keep repeating it won't make it true. ;) Last two weeks, I've recruited 20 new or returning players. Once again I reiterate, just because your clique left UO doesn't mean it's dead.
You can keep repeating it, but I know by just logging in and seeing no one around, it's true. No cliques involved.

Pink Floyd

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Maybe if you weren't so self centered and such an egotistical ass to the community we used to have you wouldn't have such a bad rep now, ever think about that?


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You can keep repeating it, but I know by just logging in and seeing no one around, it's true. No cliques involved.
If you were at the EM event and felt all the lag, you'd discover how wrong you are. You just have different expectations and make your false assumptions based on that. What's more there are very active guilds out there who don't bank sit. They're off doing things so when you don't see them just by logging in, again you make your false assumptions.


Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nah, it has nothing to do with who I play with or the things I want to do. I still have friends who I played with that rarely log in and say the same thing. I can easily go and do all the things I want to do like champ spawns or IDOCing. When I left the game, several IDOCs were falling every day that no one else even showed up to. Everything I like to do is still there, but there isn't very many people online around the bank or even the game. I IDOCed every single faucet and NEVER ran into anyone. And besides that, EM events are crowded because people from every shard show up for items and what not- those people are not just from Pac. Probably only 40% are from Pac.
I know by running around and doing what I do. The game doesn't have as many players as it used to and that's that.

Duke X. Winter

Point blank, I fail to see your logic and reasoning as to why I shouldn't be? Oh, wait, you probably don't think I should be any guild for that matter, or role-playing and helping out the community..

Stop stirring up a crap on here, we don't want nor need it.. It's comments like yours why I left Pacific in the first place.. Instead of a warm welcome back to the community, people get **** on..

The never forget and forgive have a strong presence here on Pacific! Don't let the door hit you on your way out..
You make me laugh. You fail to see my logic? Actually, I think you just fail to see logic in general. When you were here last you were a jerk. That's my opinion, but it's not just my opinion. Other people held the same opinions of you. You tried to tell people how to role-play. That was a mistake. People don't like to be told how to play a game they pay for. You came here and told people you were "reviving role-play" on Pacific. Had you done your homework previous to speaking you may have found out that at the time we had a fairly thriving, tight knit RP community. You spat in peoples faces, and now you wonder why some people may be a little hostile towards you? Hows that logic?

What guild you are in is, in reality, none of my concern. You could join any guild I am part of, and I still wouldn't really care. What you do with your time if your prerogative. It's just my opinion that it's a shame that someone like you is going to be in charge of a guild with such a rich history. If you've changed your ways and become a better person (or player) I'll be happy to admit I was wrong (down the road).

In closing, I just want to say that if it's people like me who made you leave the shard last time, then you really do need to grow a thicker skin. As far as people on Pacific go, I'd say I'm actually one of the more tame.

Duke X. Winter

Velvathos, I just wanted to say, I am glad to have you back in game. I am actually quite shocked that Pink Floyd and Duke X. Winter felt the need to post a negative comment about you joining and running RSB. I think you will do a great job, and I am excited to see RSB becoming a well respected guild again. Point blank, I think the comments of Pink Floyd and Duke X. Winter were a mistake, and seriously unnecessary. Sorry, just being honest.
I suppose we're all entitled to our opinions. You're welcome to yours, but it isn't going to change my opinions or how I express them.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Nah, it has nothing to do with who I play with or the things I want to do. I still have friends who I played with that rarely log in and say the same thing. I can easily go and do all the things I want to do like champ spawns or IDOCing. When I left the game, several IDOCs were falling every day that no one else even showed up to. Everything I like to do is still there, but there isn't very many people online around the bank or even the game. I IDOCed every single faucet and NEVER ran into anyone. And besides that, EM events are crowded because people from every shard show up for items and what not- those people are not just from Pac. Probably only 40% are from Pac.
I know by running around and doing what I do. The game doesn't have as many players as it used to and that's that.
First off, who plays this game more: you or me? The new players who are replacing the old ones that are leaving aren't doing things like IDOCs or champ spawns. They're doing things like training up skills and hunting in old school dungeons. I know that I see more players now doing the things I do because they keep me busier than I've ever been and that's that coming from someone who plays more than you. Oh and by the way, the EM Event didn't give out items.


Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I suppose we're all entitled to our opinions. You're welcome to yours, but it isn't going to change my opinions or how I express them.
It's all irrelevant anyway. I seriously doubt what he's doing in game will affect you and I seriously doubt your opinion will affect his efforts in anyway.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You make me laugh. You fail to see my logic? Actually, I think you just fail to see logic in general. When you were here last you were a jerk. That's my opinion, but it's not just my opinion. Other people held the same opinions of you. You tried to tell people how to role-play. That was a mistake. People don't like to be told how to play a game they pay for. You came here and told people you were "reviving role-play" on Pacific. Had you done your homework previous to speaking you may have found out that at the time we had a fairly thriving, tight knit RP community. You spat in peoples faces, and now you wonder why some people may be a little hostile towards you? Hows that logic?

What guild you are in is, in reality, none of my concern. You could join any guild I am part of, and I still wouldn't really care. What you do with your time if your prerogative. It's just my opinion that it's a shame that someone like you is going to be in charge of a guild with such a rich history. If you've changed your ways and become a better person (or player) I'll be happy to admit I was wrong (down the road).

In closing, I just want to say that if it's people like me who made you leave the shard last time, then you really do need to grow a thicker skin. As far as people on Pacific go, I'd say I'm actually one of the more tame.
*Drama* *Drama* *Rant* *Drama* *Flame* *Drama* *Troll*

First, I knew you would bring some old crap up from 4 years ago..

I was a jerk, I admit it actually, I didn't even know much about role-play, did some OOC crap in game, bunch of drama, got banned, YOU DID NOT MAKE ME LEAVE... After I got one of my accounts back I really put an effort into role-playing and the community, I started on Catskills and did RP there, transferred to Pacific and had THREE guilds in the RP alliance, which I pulled due to some concerns, I was RPing constantly with Fallon and a few others..(Where were you might I ask?) I wasn't telling anyone how to RP, I had my own guild rules in general.. I started running a extremely massive orc guild under my orc "Xug'Klerg" and I was doing news reporting over stratics, I transferred to Europa after a few friends of mine left to play there.. I had two accounts by this time, I believe I transferred off the server somewhere in the beginning of 09, due to extreme problems with HOFD and friends leaving the shard..

The whole time I did not tell anyone what to do or how to RP except those in my guild and I would give out helpful tips and recruit new players..

I've been on the Europa shard full-time for 2 and a half years, I am well liked here, and I am liked by current players on Pacific now under my third account, by Sable and Robin(the GM of RSB)

RSB now has many new members, we are growing, we are bringing back the history, we have a website, we are hard at work.. I am going through all the ranks like everyone else and learning the history of RSB.. It's not something where he's just going to "give the guild to me" I am going through the process like everyone else..

I've changed my ways and I have a mind now that can cut right through your pointless arguement. What say you change yours and end what began years ago?

Forget and forgive mate..


Stratics Veteran
Well normally I don't post on the forums but, in this case it is warranted.

For a long time now RSB has basically been inactive it has been years we have searched for a new leader to surface. I have led RSB myself on 4 different occasions. I would do it again but, my health makes that difficult. That being said Velvathos has offered to take that mantle on and try to bring RSB back to life. I think that should be commended not flamed. What are you guys thinking? So far he has come up with some great ideas and has worked hard to get things going again. He is now a Ranger through and though and will always bleed green for those of you who know what that means.

So do me a favor and unless you can be positive about what we are doing then just remain silent. If you can't do that then man.... Just grow up.

Take care all... Thanks for those who are supporting RSB's return!


Well normally I don't post on the forums but, in this case it is warranted.

For a long time now RSB has basically been inactive it has been years we have searched for a new leader to surface. I have led RSB myself on 4 different occasions. I would do it again but, my health makes that difficult. That being said Velvathos has offered to take that mantle on and try to bring RSB back to life. I think that should be commended not flamed. What are you guys thinking? So far he has come up with some great ideas and has worked hard to get things going again. He is now a Ranger through and though and will always bleed green for those of you who know what that means.

So do me a favor and unless you can be positive about what we are doing then just remain silent. If you can't do that then man.... Just grow up.

Take care all... Thanks for those who are supporting RSB's return!
Robin you rock. Well said.


Lore Keeper
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Stratics Legend
Not going to say ANYTHING about Duke and his reputation... nope not going to do it. Velvathos is showing character and trying to bring something positive to the game. And hes doing it by being proactive and helping new and returning players. Wow. Such a horrible concept he must be a horrendous person. Not that it matters what he, I, or anyone else did YEARS ago, the point is what he is doing now. IF there are some of you who don't have anything nice to say, or constructive to add, do the rest of us who give a crap about something other than what you do,:yell::stir::twak:, a favor and don't say anything at all.
That being said Velvathos, icq me about doing some websites :)

Duke X. Winter

Reputations don't mean squat. They're based on opinion, which can be flawed by bias. If people would like me to play nice and be quiet from this point on, I suggest that my name not be mentioned again.
