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Greetings From EM Tailspin!


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I'm EM Tailspin, a new EM coming to have some fun on Pacific with you all. I'm not actually a brand new EM, but I feel like it! I did short term way back at the start of this round with Chesapeake.

I'm really looking forward to getting in to it with you all on Pacific, and can't wait to start working with EM Cyno Razik. I have had plenty of time to stock up on ideas, but the thing I love most is sitting around with the community and talking over ideas that you guys have.

I love to meet people face to face and chat in game so I won't say too much about myself here. Come on over and find me at the counselor hall in Brit and share some down time. Be sure to bring some good jokes :).

I'll be there tonight until quite late and will see if I can find some way to let you know when I'll be back next.

Great to be here!



Rares Fest Host | Ches Jul 2010
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Stratics Legend
woah.... thats not cool tailspin... you should return to Chesapeake, we really got stuck with the low end of the deal when you left and one of our EMs is never on... Pac is fine without you

P.S. you never gave me a sash


Social Distancing Since '97
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Stratics Legend
woah.... thats not cool tailspin... you should return to Chesapeake, we really got stuck with the low end of the deal when you left and one of our EMs is never on... Pac is fine without you

P.S. you never gave me a sash
Chessy has had an EM since tailspin left??? More like we got a rambling chimp who is paid with bananas....

Lord Gareth

UO Content Editor | UO Chesapeake & Rares News
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Okay who unlocked and opened the box that said "Warning Do Not Open! Awesome EM Inside!" hehe

EM Cyno and EM Tailspin.... Pacific sure is in for a treat!
Glade to see you back on the team Tailspin. I foresee many great things coming from the Pacific EM team!!!


Great! Someone new to throw pies and various other things at! :D


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EM Tailspin hears a faint HA-OOH! HA-OOH! HA-00H! coming from Chesapeake


UO Event Moderator
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Thank you greatly for the welcome messages!

And thank you to the chessy players for popping in. It's nice to feel remembered.

I really am very excited to be back on the EM team. I've already started hammering out event ideas I'd like to try with you guys.

As announced on the Pacific EM Events Page I'll be on for a Meet & Greet at the Brit EM Hall tonight (May 21st) from 7:00pm PST.

I'll be there for a good while just to chat and learn about the community on Pacific. I think EM Cyno may even be able to join us.
.....and now I am worrying about the possibility of humiliating initiation rituals.

I'd like to invite anyone and everyone to come on over, even if it is only to introduce your yourself or your guild. I have so many questions for you guys, and I'm sure you must have one or two for me. And who knows, I may even be in a position to leak some info on my debut event. ;)

Look forward meeting you guys!
