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[Discussion] Green Glass



Why do these two glasses look different? Both are empty, weigh 1 stone and have only 'Glass' in yellow as the name.



Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I couldn't give you an exact reason on "what" causes them to look different, but they are:

If you can zoom in on the pixelation of both glasses, you'll notice two distinguishing factors:

1.) The glass on the left has at least three bright green pixels added within the center of the glass

2.) The glass on the right has a rectangular pixelation for the "mouth" of the glasses..... to draw in spectrum:

Glass #1 -- mouth of the container


Glass #2 -- mouth of the container


Easier if you can zoom in with an application to view it.

Not sure if I can remember if it is displayed with the item, but maybe there is contents in the left one, and the right one is empty?

Hope that helps.


Like I said, they're both empty. When I d-click them, they both do ask 'fill from what?'

Maybe they change once filled and emptied?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Like I said, they're both empty. When I d-click them, they both do ask 'fill from what?'

Maybe they change once filled and emptied?

Does it say that it is empty when highlighting over the glass? It may just provide the prompt if there is still something in the glass.


Back in 1999, there were 2 versions of leprechauns. One in green feathered hat and one in a green wizard's hat. The glass on the left was dropped off feathered hat leprechaun, one on the right, off the wizard hat one. There is a slight difference in the designs of the glasses, not much but slight :) Takes a keen eye and a good monitor to tell the difference.

I have 2 vendors at my tavern on Chessy wearing both versions of the leprechaun suits.


That's awesome info Gunga_Din! Never knew the different leppy had different cups. Was there more of one leppy than another?