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[Selling] Great Lakes - War Forks


Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have the following War Forks for sale. All Verite Hammer crafted.


#1 : Mage -20, SC, -1 Harm 46%, Damage 48%
#2 : Fireball 44%, Earth Ele Slayer, HLL 55%, DCi 11%, FC 1, DI 40%
#3 : HML 47%, SL 36%, Lightning 46%, DI 54%
#4 : Lightning 40%, HML 60%, HLL 50%, HLD 34%, HCI 13%, DI 40%
#5 : HLD 50%, HLL 50%, Undead Slayer, DI 44%
#6 : HML 40%, Fire Area 42%, HCI 15%, SSI 25%, DI 40% (Fire Area good for low level spawns)

And a few more Gold Hammer crafted...
#7 : Magic Arrow 36%, HCi 12, DCI 11, SSI 20, DI 40
#8 : SC -1, Mage Wep -21, HCI 14, SSI 30, DI 40
#9 : SC -1, Mage Wep -20, DI 41, UBWS