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[Discussion] Great Festival So Far!

Assia Penryn

The Sleeping Dragon
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Well those things pop at every festival. *smiles* That's nothing new.

However, I can't reach my vendor inside and I'm not going outside... so until its safe I won't be stocking. We really need a way to reach the vendors inside as those coming from other shards may not be set up to kill those things.

Perhaps you can reach out to the larger pvm guilds on Catskills to help kill those and set up a guard. The location makes it so we can't even lead it away.. *pouts*


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I am loggin on stratics from school......*shush* don't tell :)

I can't get in game, but I'm going to "friend" a few people to the vendor house ASAP so there will be more people that can "banish" the baddies that spawn....

And no matter how I did the house, someone would be stuck outside at some point...
and regardless, I can't redesign now because of the vendors... (this was a project for vendor house design and I've taken A LOT of comments and criticisms, keep em' coming)

I got a message from Mesanna and we will be getting permanent gates later today, so that will improve the traffic to the area AND give a quick "exit" to anyone needing to get away from the occasional "harbinger of death"....

I'm sorry I'm not there to help right now, I'd much rather be playing UO than sitting in Calculus IV...... YUCK.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I think that is the first time I've seen one inside a festival house, this is the benchmark for all future festivals. :)