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Graphic card Problems, Enhanced Client, Win7 64bit, Nvidia card



Hey there

English isn't my mother language so please bear with me ;). Just got back to UO after about 4 years absence. So far it's been running great with the enhanced client. Except one issue:

It appears that there is a problem whenever I try to buy something from an NPC vendor. When I say "vendor buy" the purchase window opens normally and after a second or two the item list appears. However, as soon as I add an item to the "pending purchases" tab, the game lags down to downright unplayable and my CPU usage goes up to almost 100%. I've read somewhere that the NVIDIA network manager appears to cause some trouble. So I figured I try upgrading my graphic card drivers and then uninstall the network manager.

Well, it was fixed after that... until the next reboot. The lag was back.

So it has to be some issue concerning my graphic card and some part of the nvidia software. Does anybody have experience with that Issue or could give me a pointer as to where to look?

My system:
Win7 64bit
6 gigabyte DDR RAM
Athlon X2 Dual core (2x3ghz)
Nvidia EN8800gt
Soundblaster X-Fi pcie

Thanks in advance!



Ok, apparently I have found the problem.

It was a program called "ASUS GamerOSD" which was included on the CD of my graphics card. Uninstalled it and now everything works fine.


I'd take a look at any documentation (CD or hardcopy) on that puppy and find out what it's supposed to be doing. I have an Asus/Nvidia 8400GS but I run XP/SP3 - haven't heard of that program.


It's a program that shows fps, enables overclocking while being ingame (some kind of overlay menu) and allows recording of videos.

Basically, it's useless. Don't know why I didn't get rid of it before.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
If you want a program that does those things, but doesn't interfere with your system like the Asus program does, you can try out Precision, from EVGA. It works with any OEM nVidia card (I run a PNY 9800GX2 and it actually controls both GPU's without issue).

I love Asus products, but their packaged software often leaves much to be desired.


Hey there

English isn't my mother language so please bear with me ;). Just got back to UO after about 4 years absence. So far it's been running great with the enhanced client. Except one issue:

It appears that there is a problem whenever I try to buy something from an NPC vendor. When I say "vendor buy" the purchase window opens normally and after a second or two the item list appears. However, as soon as I add an item to the "pending purchases" tab, the game lags down to downright unplayable and my CPU usage goes up to almost 100%. I've read somewhere that the NVIDIA network manager appears to cause some trouble. So I figured I try upgrading my graphic card drivers and then uninstall the network manager.

Well, it was fixed after that... until the next reboot. The lag was back.

So it has to be some issue concerning my graphic card and some part of the nvidia software. Does anybody have experience with that Issue or could give me a pointer as to where to look?

My system:
Win7 64bit
6 gigabyte DDR RAM
Athlon X2 Dual core (2x3ghz)
Nvidia EN8800gt
Soundblaster X-Fi pcie

Thanks in advance!

I will try it the way you are doing it. However , you can do this without typing anything and it is faster for those like me who "peck" instead of really typing. Double click the vendor and right click the item. A prompt that says "buy" will come up and left click that. A window will come up confirming you wish to purchase the product at the price listed. It doesn't solve your issue , but I think it's a better work around.

As for the problem itself , I have basically the same configuration as you. Now running Win 7 X64, AMD cpu with an NVIDIA video card. I'm suing the Nvidia COntrol Panel as well to change resolution, refresh rate and other items. I personally have not tried to buy in the manner you're talking about in the EC client , but I'll load it up and try it the old way (the way you're doing it)