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Gov o' Vesper! Up For Re-election!

Ol'Rac Nnod

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Fellow citizens of Siege Perilous, I'm running for re-election o' Vesper and I need your help!
When I took office and the seat of governor so long ago, the seat sat vacant for a long time and the coffers ran empty, the bridges collapsing, and rats running the streets!
I've fixed the city, not missed a meeting and seen the coffers filled to overflowing.
I ask now for your help and support, I need your votes to keep me afloat! I love representing the city o' Vesper, the Venice of Siege! And I take my duties wit the utmost priority!
If ye've a spare toon please help me keep Vesper Great!
Thank ye one and all for your support!

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Fellow citizens of Siege Perilous, I'm running for re-election o' Vesper and I need your help!
When I took office and the seat of governor so long ago, the seat sat vacant for a long time and the coffers ran empty, the bridges collapsing, and rats running the streets!
I've fixed the city, not missed a meeting and seen the coffers filled to overflowing.
I ask now for your help and support, I need your votes to keep me afloat! I love representing the city o' Vesper, the Venice of Siege! And I take my duties wit the utmost priority!
If ye've a spare toon please help me keep Vesper Great!
Thank ye one and all for your support!
Really? the coffers weren't empty and the Bridges were fine. Dear citizens of Siege, I am also in need of your help to be the duly elected public servant of Vesper. I was one of the citizens that helped fill those coffers and the Governors office was built with my Blood, Sweat, and tears (well me brother Possums the one that chopped the wood and such) So please come Vote for Vic!

DreadLord Lestat

Forum Moderator
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Really? the coffers weren't empty and the Bridges were fine. Dear citizens of Siege, I am also in need of your help to be the duly elected public servant of Vesper. I was one of the citizens that helped fill those coffers and the Governors office was built with my Blood, Sweat, and tears (well me brother Possums the one that chopped the wood and such) So please come Vote for Vic!
Wait.....are you playing the.......Victim?? :thumbsup:


Stratics Veteran
This one will be going down in the annals (as it already has the canals)...

I don't believe there is a shoe to fit these feet (I knew these guys went barefoot for a reason)...

As my wife often says (when I'm not around!): ah! this is the big one!

My questions to the candidates, them being esteemed as a bucket of Maryland crabs: a) will Vesper be getting title and deed claim to the nearby moongate? and, b) should Vesper's name not be attached to said moongate, will we at least get a suitable latrine to park nearby it, emblazoned w/ the city's insignia, for free public use and the publishing of our thoughts on the Minocians' claims? and, c) will Vesper finally be getting a trash can (for clean up turn in points)?

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
This one will be going down in the annals (as it already has the canals)...

I don't believe there is a shoe to fit these feet (I knew these guys went barefoot for a reason)...

As my wife often says (when I'm not around!): ah! this is the big one!

My questions to the candidates, them being esteemed as a bucket of Maryland crabs: a) will Vesper be getting title and deed claim to the nearby moongate? and, b) should Vesper's name not be attached to said moongate, will we at least get a suitable latrine to park nearby it, emblazoned w/ the city's insignia, for free public use and the publishing of our thoughts on the Minocians' claims? and, c) will Vesper finally be getting a trash can (for clean up turn in points)?
As a long time Vesperian i can vouch that the Minocian claim is Fake news. They can call it what they like, it is the Vesper Moongate we let them put the Minoc on there because they cried so much that we didn't want a whole city to die from grief. as far as a latrine, isn't Minoc good enough? I will petition the king again for a cleanup point bin and see where my 100th request goes. as always, vote early, vote often!

Ol'Rac Nnod

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
I've dropped out of the race and lend my support to future Gov Victim. It's been a wonderful several terms in office, I've enjoyed seeing the coffers go from 0 to over 900mil. I do hope Gov Victim will continue to keep Vesper Great! And represent it in our monthly meetings starting in January.

Victim of Siege

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I've dropped out of the race and lend my support to future Gov Victim. It's been a wonderful several terms in office, I've enjoyed seeing the coffers go from 0 to over 900mil. I do hope Gov Victim will continue to keep Vesper Great! And represent it in our monthly meetings starting in January.
(OOC Well, I was looking forward to some good ole RP with this, but thank you for the vote of confidence. )

Thank you my friend, but I am sure I will need assistance with running the town, as the healers have advised me to take it easy and avoid stress( kind of hard when you manage 40 unique individuals) so I suspect I’ll be in the healers hut again. With that said I hereby declare Ol’Rac to be my Vice-Governor this term, and grant all the powers(and graft) that come with the office. I hope you will accept my offer and help me bilk, err uhm , bolster the community in the months to come.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Ol'Rac Nnod

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
It's as they say, an offer I can not refuse Gov Victim, as one now former Gov to one returned, I know one of the biggest issues is havin good constituents and loyal citizens. I would be honored to serve as ye vice-gov and help to continue in the efforts of making Vesper even greater!

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
(OOC Well, I was looking forward to some good ole RP with this, but thank you for the vote of confidence. )

Thank you my friend, but I am sure I will need assistance with running the town, as the healers have advised me to take it easy and avoid stress( kind of hard when you manage 40 unique individuals) so I suspect I’ll be in the healers hut again. With that said I hereby declare Ol’Rac to be my Vice-Governor this term, and grant all the powers(and graft) that come with the office. I hope you will accept my offer and help me bilk, err uhm , bolster the community in the months to come.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Have the years of operating outside of the shadows weakened you brother? Surely you would not allow a commoner to hold such position.

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
@Victim of Siege, upon further thought, with the way @Ol'Rac Nnod dropped out of the election at the mere mention of your running leads me to believe that he may have recently been castrated. Can a eunuch even hold a vice governor position? Perhaps you and I could speak, as men, of a different solution as to what will future of Vesper will bring.

Ol'Rac Nnod

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
@Victim of Siege, upon further thought, with the way @Ol'Rac Nnod dropped out of the election at the mere mention of your running leads me to believe that he may have recently been castrated. Can a eunuch even hold a vice governor position? Perhaps you and I could speak, as men, of a different solution as to what will future of Vesper will bring.
Ye dung Eatin sewer rat, anytime ye wish to face me in the arena, I'll even toss ye a million gold if you can beat me! If ye've the balls to back ye're mouth!

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Ye dung Eatin sewer rat, anytime ye wish to face me in the arena, I'll even toss ye a million gold if you can beat me! If ye've the balls to back ye're mouth!
'Tis an easy thing to say from the comfort of thy home. Ye'd have to leave the protection of the guards if ya want to fight with me. As I understand it, ye do not have the balls!

Ol'Rac Nnod

Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
'Tis an easy thing to say from the comfort of thy home. Ye'd have to leave the protection of the guards if ya want to fight with me. As I understand it, ye do not have the balls!
Already challenged ye to the arena, but I know ye ain't got the balls to face even a non pvper , even with 1 million if ya win! Ye just keep looting the corpses o' others kills n hiding in the sewers!

Stinky Pete

Babbling Loonie
Stratics Veteran
Already challenged ye to the arena, but I know ye ain't got the balls to face even a non pvper , even with 1 million if ya win! Ye just keep looting the corpses o' others kills n hiding in the sewers!
The arena promotes fairness, which is not something that I would ever condone. If ye think there will be anything fair about the events that are about to unfold, ye will be horribly mistaken. I suggest ye save thy beautiful high-pitched song and dance for thy fool of a king when ye are begging for his assistance in saving Vesper from the dark cloud that is about to befall thy beloved city. Perhaps he will be amused at how quick ye are to present thy backside to gain favor from better men.