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Got plain snowdrop plants on Catskills?

Irulia Darkaith

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
A call for help - anyone have any of these plants kicking around? Seems I screwed up at some point and used up my plain snowdrop seeds and didn't leave myself a master to regrow them (not for the first time :( ) . I've bought out all the plants I can find on the vendors (except for the 20K plants). I've gone so far as to travel to another shard but would like to finish this part of the decorating today (SUNDAY).

If you can loan/sell me of these PLAIN snowdrop plants or tell me of a vendor on Catskills that has some. I am in the process of growing some new ones as well as bringing some back from Great Lakes so I can replace whatever you sell/loan/give me in short time.
