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Gordean Knot and how to solve it. (Another can of worms, again). Pets Pets Pets..


Crazed Zealot
Well as if we did not hear enough about "Pets Gone Wild", and the headachey posts that followed, here is another post that may tingle your spine!
For better or for worse. Well here it is and the thinking behind it.

=So you buy or somehow acquire a Pawning weapon with all the goods on it to kill each other. The price? 250 M, 1plat, 2 Plat etc. Just look at the Trader's Hall in Stratics. Other super-duper equipment? Same. Expensive upper-upper end suits? 5 plats some are. So now you got them. The first thing you will do with these items,and the very first one is what? You insure them. Why? Because these items are very extremely valuable for you. You get killed and yet get to keep them, no chance of loss, unless you are on Siege, and then you mostly use not super ultra items there anyway. There has been no frequent at all loss of weapons, wearables, armor etc to bugs, or unintended traps.

=Tamables now, with their very high value now days in terms of player time, cost, and PS, have no such protection from bugs, when they go wild. Here is an idea that some people may resonate with:
--"Penalize" the tamer with insurance for pet gone wild. Enable player to INSURE the pet, so that if a pet dies the insurance is NOT activated, but the insurance is activated only in the event the pet goes wild, whether the pet dies wild or not. So the pet can die 100 times as in tough 4th level spawns and still be ok and rezzable etc. But if a bug hits, LOS, "hungry" or bugged fed hungry, or any reason wild and not the tamer releasing pet, then activate insurance.
The insurance action will let tamer know what happened, their pet is wild and in the stables and waiting to recuperate, and that the stabler has fed their pet and it is in decent condition but needs attention. The tamer goes to stable and checks the pet and indeed it is not wild, but now "extremely happy" but still needs food etc. This way the tamer does not lose the pet. Also the wild pet will not be allowed to die on the field. Or if it dies, it will still be in the stable either as a ghost, or "extremely happy" or "somewhat happy" etc, so you can pull pet out of stable and correct the situation.
Also while we are at it, so we do not give too many bones to us lowly tamers, make it so that a pet that sustained the "insurance" gets appropriate Skill Loss, as it happens when pets die. We can still work the skill up as part of the penalty.
Insurance may be uo gold, in proportion of the pet's training, PS, slot level etc, or a rounded number for low value, medium and high value trained skilled pets, like : 1M, 5M, 10M or something like that. Or 20K, 50K, 100K or whatever people agree with. Remember this is for a pet that has gone wild and would get lost completely.
--We enjoy blaming the tamer for "allowing" their pet to go wild due to hungry or LOS, or fake hungry fake LOS, or should have known better than go to that area with lots of uneven terrain etc. etc.? Fine: Then allow INSURANCE for pets one way or another. Lose some gold not the pet you worked for 1,000 hours to develop, train skill, did 400 champs to get the proper 7 PS 120 you wanted etc.

--Make it so the statuette pets ALSO are insured, so the fighters do not lose their priceless Paroxy they bought for 50-100 M, or the trained Triton or the Vollem pets.
--If you wish make it so tat only Trained/Skilled pets get insurance at the least.

==So our oppositional tamer "friends" and their friends are now ruffling their feathers and getting livid, and they will say: "That is the worst thing anyone has ever said" "This should never happen. Who ever heard of pet insurance?" "This is a terrible idea".

== To answer, or try to answer, in RL you have insurance on all sorts of things, particularly things you cherish very much. Like your life, your car, your items of value. Also in the not-so-real life HERE you insure all sorts of items that are insurable. So you don't lose them permanantly. So the idea of insurance is not so horrible or foreign.

==Lastly and most importantly, the warning that the pet is changing loyalty maybe an oversight in the code, just one measly little omission that could be fixed, IF they ever get around to it. But the "wild pet" problem will not go away, due to the rapidity of when it happens. The bugs causing this are complex, have to do with lag, data packet transfers, and lack of synchrony of old code, new additions such as new events, and good old undocumented spaghetti code. Simply put : The bug fix that we managed to all agree to fix and sent email to devs, will not solve the problem, and these wild events will continue to happen.

Make the pet insurance activate only in the event that the pet is about to go wild. Warn the tamer in clear cut way about it and move pet to the stable in un-wild but compromised state, so tamer will get a chance to tend to it. Pet insurance will not activate with regular pet deaths. It will help resolve the "wild pet" can of worms, and also the POOFING statuette pet at the same time, with just a little coding.

This may be a good move from the devs if people agree here. I know this sounds strange but that is how the game has evolved through the years.
Any comments bad, good medium greatly appreciated.

Whew! What a BOOK! Jeeezuss! Another Pandora's Box!

**After having said all this, he quietly slips in the shadows under a strong wooden table to avoid the onslaught of curses, kitchen utensils, and rotten veggies getting ready to be tossed" :devil:

Lord Nabin

High Council Sage - Greater Sosaria
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Glorious Lord
Wait are you Popps on the other forum?

I got my eye on you friend..

*waves you over to the table and fills you a glass of Good Old Moonglow Red, as he keeps an eye on you*


Crazed Zealot
Wait are you Popps on the other forum?

I got my eye on you friend..

*waves you over to the table and fills you a glass of Good Old Moonglow Red, as he keeps an eye on you*
Ty for the wine. Was thinking the same thing about Popps..I thing maybe Transmorgifying to Popps? *shudders at the idea*.
No just one of my crazy theory-crafting / wishful thinking rants..
Sigh.. I know none of these things will ever be done, but an effort to raise consciousness to different ideas. I just love this game too much..Thats all.