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Selling Pet Good Stats Pure White Cu

Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
It also has the 120 parrying scroll.
@Guerry I thought the option to put a parry scroll on a Cu didn't even show up until wrestling hit 100 and the parry skill started showing up? I just checked and that is what I am seeing (or not seeing). Did I miss something? Can you post the "pet advancement" page?
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Keith of Sonoma

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
How did you get the 120 parry scroll on it? I have a Cu currently 4 slot, with points available to use. Wrestling is at 90ish. There is no option to put a parry PS on it. On every Cu I have trained, I can't put it on (or even have the option) until wrestling hits 100, and the parry skill shows. Apparently I always do something wrong. Please enlighten me, so I don't forget next time.


Stratics Veteran
Darn it, I didn't get to make my comments.... but I did get screenshots.
And I had so much to comment on....

For the record, cus have an approximate max imbue value of 7900 (napkin math at work using the stats of a perfectly spawned cu).
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Slightly Crazed
Stratics Veteran
Darn it, I didn't get to make my comments.... but I did get screenshots.
And I had so much to comment on....

For the record, cus have an approximate max imbue value of 7900 (napkin math at work using the stats of a perfectly spawned cu).
Napkin math lol
My Spidey senses went nuts when i saw the numbers...