*grabs a bit of tomato juice and eggs and toast*
I actually HAVE been organising accts. and chrs. per acct. I keep thinking what ifs too much maybe...what if this xp dies ? what if they drop 2D UO tomorrow ?
etc. things that have made me think to organise *as if they may not be ..a tomorrow* seems to be helping me organise better.
If ya think it is difficult on one main shard ye play upon...try two.
I have finally managed to *warehouse* 5 chrs. on Siege into ONE large twr. each one per chr. template has their own holiday items banked up, and whatever resources they per *template* may need for most part are banked up..which leaves their one remaining home for parrots, plants and those things...that do not stack.
I went from multiple homes there down to one...removing all items per accts. per chr. to get possibly what was 3 max secureds full of items and things into ONE home of max secureds items things for the 5 of em.
Now on Chesapeake..larger issue since those chrs. have 10 yrs of stuffs...whereas the Siegers only have 4 yrs of stuffs...but I placed a new home on Ches. just TO sort thru all my bods bods parts for tailoring and all the smith bods remain in my smiths home there...I AIM to get these all done filled out or tossed out possibly by the end of THIS month or end of May for sure. That will get rid of lots of and of itself alone organinsing filling processing the crafter bods smith and tailor both. When ya find you someway ended up with 4 lizardman statuettes ya think...ok keep 2 one per oldest acct and sell off the other 3 haha ...and one does not really need 30 reindeer nor 30 christmas trees although them spiffy christmas trees hard to *get rid of* ie sell off..but do we REALLY need all those ? noooooooooo nor 6 valentine cards per 20 or 30 chrs on 5 accts to keep noooooooooooooo soooo I am organising as if all those chrs. over all those years are trying to sort thru their tons of things to try to FIT it all into less homes less banks spaces less items count...pitch out that jewelry we may never use need nor wear...if it is bardic slap few of those TO the bards pitch the rest ...of those rings etc. etc.
I am finding by thinking *what if* the computer dies, or 2D dies much can I save per acct per chr. IN their bank box and in possibly ONE house 2 max not more...and find this helps me to really ...clear out stuff more so than just telling myself time for spring UO now for me better to think.........this xp not getting any younger...2D can end what if...and where will ya store possibly pay for ONE acct. that maybe you will keep paying for ..just to stow ye stuff and chrs. in maybe only ONE house and acct... IF for some reason are shut out of UO tomorrow...and that thinking helps me more to CLEAR out, way more stuff a lot more efficently.. lately.