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Good Hunting Spots??????


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I am an older player (1999) returning to the game (3 weeks ago). I'm trying to find some good spots to hunt with good loot and monsters that mactch my characters skills. I have a warrior character (90 swords, parry, tactics, 80 healing, anat.) and a Mage (80 magery, meditation, eval int.). I'd like to find monsters that are fun to fight for warrior as well as mage. You know, cast bladespirits, you know... do diverse things.

I'm getting bored with earth elementals in despise (Ack!) What would be some good locations/monsters to fight with my warrior and mage?



I always enjoy hunting in ?Illshnear?. Excuse the spelling, I'm too lazy to look it up.

I usually just start in Spirituality, and just travel throughout Illsh.


I usually hunt in the Ice dungeon with templates at your stated levels. Your warrior should be able to solo Arctic Ogre Lords with out too much difficulty.

I would take your mage to the Ice Fiend pit in Ice. Use a demon slayer spell book and you should be able to kill one with 1 successful flamestrike explosion combo.

By the way look into the bushido skill for your warrior. This new (to you) skill makes warrior templates almost unstoppable.


Stratics Legend
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I like to go to Hytloth to figth daemons. Also blooddungeon to fight daemons and paragon daemons are alot of fun.
And yes i have a thing with fighting daemons. I fight in around the temple on Fire island too.

To collect my Virtue armor pieces i go to Despise and fight titans and cyclopses.

And if you find yourself realy crazy. Going to Destard these days is very challenging.

And of course doing the gauntlet in Doom with a few people is always alot of fun.

Now and then i just like to pick a dungeon and try to go all the way down and see how far i can get without getting killed. Just killing everything i come across my way down.

There is no restriction where you can go, only the ones you put on yourself!


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Do a little search, explore and destroy. Thanks xxEvolusxx.

Arctic Ogre Lords huh? Not to tough? Guess I'll find out for myself
. I'll have to find my a demonslayer spellbook and try those Ice Fiends. And I'll have to research Bushido. - Thanks for the tips!

Frarc, are you trying to get me killed? hehe Seems like daemons, especially paragon daemons are much to difficult for my character's current skill level. You sure about that? The idea of hitting a dungeon from the top floor and going as far as you can does sound interesting. - I appreciate your advice, thanks.

Any other ideas and/or advice out there?


Lvl 2 Covetous. Dread spiders, elder gazers, water ellys and harpies. They toned the dread spiders down and they have less loot. Water elly slayers are common. The dreads and elders have a pretty stiff mana dump, so you will want good resists. If you can cast EV, its much easier, so try to get your mage up to that point. Blade spirits will clear the harpy room.

Also, most folks put chiv or bushido or both on their fighters, now. Necro and/or ninja on mages.
