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Good Day Catskills - Tuesday 12/15/09

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*sets up an ABM he "borrowed" from UHall*

This fancy do-hickey will make you anything your heart desires. Just press this button and like magic the food pops out hot (or cold) and ready to eat. Sorry I'm not as good a host as Podolak, but I have never been a people person.

*grabs a cup of tea and a bagel and settles in*


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Someone trying to make my job easier? Pinch me, I must be dreaming!

Good Day Black Sun, good to see you posting.

Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Good Day Black Sun, good to see you posting.
These holidays are going to be the death of me, I swear it. I need at least another 4 hours per day to get everything done. I haven't even logged into UO in almost a week!

*inserts a few coins in machine*


*waits longer*

"Good heavens, it took my money and gave me nothing back!"
Uh, actually... you just dropped those coins in the vent slot. I hope they don't clog up the....

*hears a horrible grinding coming from the machine as smoke begins to pour out every opening*

Oh drat.

*wheels the smoking wreck outside and comes back in*
Oatmeal anyone?


* watches the smoke inside the inn... another blackrock explosion? *

* stands outside... just to be on the safe side... sniffing around for Va'lis...*

Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*slowly walks through the door, stretches, yawns and smacks his lips*

Good mornin' lads and lass *tips hat*

Ahh the ol' ABM. I have had some experience with that contraption, it can be temperamental at times. I'll have a strong cup of java if you please. Perhaps a pumpernickel bagel if there be any?

*looks for a semi-dark nook to settle into*


* watches the pirate ... everything looks safe... pirates have a knack to be safe... we hope... *

* walks in quietly... *

Good day... I'll have some of that... * points to the cup *

* picks the old green feathered velvet hat and places it next to the Fireplace... *

* watches the wild flames for some long moments... *

I would like to propose a toast... this season always reminds me of him... to our old friend Grog... I bet he is having fun wherever he is... rest in Peace, brother...

* raises cup... *


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*watches as the smoldering wreck is wheeled out*

Well...I hope we have the number for a repair man. In the meantime.

*starts pouring coffee for everyone*

At least we have the old fashioned way of doing things.

*checks in the oven*

Hmm....one fresh pumpernickel bagel coming up!

Black Sun, a week without UO? Where are your priorities man?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
* Strolls in and looks around, sees the broken ABM and begins to make the repairs *

No worries all is as it should be, just request the Item from the ABM and you will have it. See my sig for the history.

I know sallie would be very happy to see the ABM being used by those other than U-Hall.

Peace be with You My Catskills Brothers and Sisters


Black Sun

Grand Poobah
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Where are my priorities? Scattered. Currently I'm being pulled between the end of the year rush at work, the need to do xmas shopping, spending time with family, spending time with the GF, my desire to finish assassins creed 2 for xbox, and my desire to play UO.

I figure another 4 hours a day would give me just enough time to get a little gaming/relaxation in. Although I will admit, I had a really good time last night at a board game night at my girls new place. Anyone play Settler of Catan? Fun game.

*heads over to the newly repaired ABM and presses the button*
Tea please.

*takes his tea and finds an open chair*


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I have heard of Settler's, we bought Munchkin a few years ago. Not enough local friends these days for good game nights anymore. Everyone seems to have moved on with their lives.

*nods to the repair man*

Thank you for coming so quickly.