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Good Day Catskills - 2009-12-18 - Friday - Avatar is out today!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*quickly enters the tavern and leaves the cold. Immediately sets to stoking the fire and staying near the great blaze overtaking the fresh logs*

Good day all, a nice chilly three degrees (F) here...

*warms up a bit and then sets out to start the coffee and hot water*

Please, drink something warm and if this doesn't do it for you the pirates dropped off some RUM to really warm your blood.

*moves back to a seat by the fire and warms his hands by the flames*

Be safe all.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*looks out and sees the crazy cat not protecting himself from the inclement weather*

Get in here before you become a kitticicle!

Schuyler Bain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*stumbles in through the door, red-faced and shivering*

Did I hear someone mention rum? It is a bit early, but tis the season I always say.

*pours a mug of Podolak's finest and adds a drop or three of rum*

I'll wager the Meer benefits a bit from the extra fur on his hide, but it sure is cold!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*Lifts head groggily, holding on to a half empty bottle of rum from the night before*

'Tis ne'er too early fer rum matey!

*takes a swig and returns to his passed out state*


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*chuckles at the lady's story*

You do need to watch those braziers when you are not properly protected, the tender parts of our bodies, well all parts of our bodies are not too fond of a hot coal popping out at them. I hear activating several power crystals in a small room can give quite a tan but long term testing has shown an increase in cancer development so I am not sure you are much better off going that way. Anyhow I am glad the beverage upped your spirits and daringness. No running through Despise naked though OK? *shutters* getting slime in places we do not want to talk about is not my idea of a good time no matter how much liquor is involved.

*sets the lady's tea and toast down in front of her along with a small dish of butter, peanut butter, apple butter, honey and miscellaneous jams.*

Please, sit by the fire. I just stoked it but hopefully the cinders will stay in their place and not singe those eyebrows further.

*laughs and nods to Schuyler*

The rum is always flowing in this establishment, we are not fond of cutting people off. However if people are too drunk to ride their horse home and up getting too unruly because we won't let them on, we do have a place to lock them up downstairs.

*looks over to the passed out man*


*adds more rum to the bottle and returns to his work*


* sits down in the snow... the new woolen scarf around his neck... *

* extends his senses across the Balance... looking for stress points in the fabric of reality, power nodes and many, obvious, facets of the Russell's antinomy... *

* A path must be there... *


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*brings a tray out to the meer with a cup of Vesperian tea*

Don't think too hard, it is Friday.


* gets up... *

you are insane... innkeeper... but my thanks.

* grabs the cup and walks inside before the human freezes... *


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*shivers as he dusts off the snow from being outside*

I think I'll sit by the fire for a few minutes...


* sits down quietly next to the southern window... *

* obviously distracted... *


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*stokes the fire, adding a few logs*

I think I'll stick to this area of the tavern for a bit.