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Good Day Catskills - 2009-12-14


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*opens up the tavern after being away for the weekend*

Well, the start of a new week and Christmas is around the corner. Has everyone finished their Christmas shopping?

*starts the coffee and hot water*

Today we also have intricately designed Christmas cookies. A co-worker of mine is an excellent baker and I have placed a rather large order.

Hope everyone has a good one!


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*smiles and nods to the lady entering the tavern*

Good Day to you M'Lady.

*takes the hot cider and cinnamon stick, walking over to the fire and takes a seat next to her*

Here you are, fresh, warm and ready to go.

*watches as she tests the cookie*

*chuckles a little*

I never said they were for consumption!

*hands her a napkin*

Here...I have some very plain but very good tasting cookies for you to try out if you so desire*

*hands her the dish*

I didn't make these either, but I do plan on baking some myself this week. I do enjoy a nice warm oven and the sweet scents emanating from it.


* walks in quietly... a large bow on his shoulder *

Good day... hum, that isn't edible...

*shakes head*

Some coffee and fish bits please...

* moves to the back *
* dumps the heavy weight on the floor next to his table *

* moves to the counter and sits down for a while... *

I guess tonight we'll visit the Abyss...


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*pours the meer his coffee, hands him his order*

The Abyss you say? Interesting place if I might say so. Those Gargoyles have an interesting cooking style I need to investigate further.

Your travels have been prosperous?