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Good Day Catskills - 2009-12-02


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*whacks Podolak with her umbrella for good measure*

"There, my good man, I apologize for the sharp reprimand, but I have been sitting here hours waiting for my hot coffee! Although we have come far in our century with horse and carriage, we do not have wide thoroughfares with rapid transport to take us great distances! In such isolation, I must rely on your establishment for food, drink and comfort from the elements."

*tosses her red hair, glowing in the firelight, and fingers her umbrella once again*
*sets a freshly brewed cup of coffee before the lady*

I hear making a lady wait is a mortal sin. Making customers wait is never good for business. Please accept my most sincere apologies.

*goes back to getting things ready for the day*

Hot menu today all, eggs, ham, sausage, bacon and soy bacon. Let me know your desire and I'll get it cooked up. There is a fresh pot of coffee and hot water ready to go for tea too.

Have a great one all.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Campaign Patron
*Orders a cup of coffee and broods by the fire*

I really, really need to educate some people on the meaning of the word VACATION. Or maybe I just need to go to some remote island where my cell phone and email don't work. *sigh* Took the week off and still getting calls because people need reports RIGHT NOW.

*Looks at her cell phone and wonders what the durability factor is when dropped from a second floor window*


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*smiles at Anne's entrance and brings over her order*

Good day M'lady, it is nice to see you abound.

I completely agree...I am on-call often with my job. Getting a call at 2:00 AM just isn't my idea of a good night. It is even worse when the call was something inconsequential the user should have already know...

I do try and restrict this type of activity when I am on vacation but there have been many occasions where I have answered e-mails when out of town. Darn that Blackberry!

What I am trying to say is I really feel for you and can think of many creative ways for there to be technical issues with you getting calls/e-mails while on vacation.

Aedon Durreah

Village of Aegis
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*walks in and sits at the bar.*

Coffee please Podolak, and a freckled roll.

It was nice to see you in Aegis last eve. I do hope that the local dead folk did not scare you off.


Crazed Zealot
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
*grins at Aedon*

Afternoon good sir.

*hands him his coffee and roll*

No no....though I did have to leave early to tend other business.

How did things go after your outdoor activity was complete?