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[Selling] Gone


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Too bad you wasted di with hci... if it wasnt for that i would have bid. Nice tho.... hard to get.

Gl selling it sir.

The Grim Reaper

Seasoned Veteran
Too bad you wasted di with hci... if it wasnt for that i would have bid. Nice tho.... hard to get.

Gl selling it sir.
I may be making a slightly noob comment so disregard if I am wrong please :) but didnt the hci come from adding di as well? It was yew wood right?


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Youre both wrong. That bok would have been 70 poison 30 physical. If it was from enhancement the di would be 37. Its not it was added then after enhanced with frost wood making it 30% cold and 70 poison.


Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
500 stone on a bok is 70 lightning, 50 hld, sc, -1 37 di.

12 di and 30 cold damage is from frostwood. No HCI
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Seasoned Veteran
Stratics Veteran
Youre both wrong. That bok would have been 70 poison 30 physical. If it was from enhancement the di would be 37. Its not it was added then after enhanced with frost wood making it 30% cold and 70 poison.
gratz on making a simple statement confusing af.
(let me help)
The wooden sword was imbued and than enhanced with frost-wood. (30 cold damage and 12 damage increase)
Yew-wood would not have changed the elemental stats of the weapon (5 hci and 10 damage increase)