I recently crafted some Icy Scimitars, from a val hammer, that I was really proud of. One of them was a FC1, 50 ml, 45 sl, 15% harm, 55 damage increase, ubws.
Now that may not sound great to many of you, but after a billion duds over the years, that was the most useful weapon (dispite the ubws and lack of ssi) Ive ever made.
As soon as I got it into my warriors hands I insured it. I know this is true because Ive died a few times since then and had all three weps I carry with me upon being ressed.
I went to a spawn in Ish and about 5 mins into it, it got REALLY laggy and paragon succubus spanked me dead. I ran and got ressed but my new baby is nowhere to be found. I tried to find my corpse but it wasnt there. Im 99.9 % positive I returned to the exact spot because I died by the candle altar. That doesnt matter becuase I INSURED it.
Has anyone lost items in this way? Is the new insurance system bugged? All my other stuff has been insured since before the new system was in place. This is the only thing Ive insured in months because I havent crafted anything worth a crap in months. I have a few million in the bank so thats not the problem.
Im so angry right now Im close to quiting the game. Please dont ask me if I paged a GM. I did. They dont exist. I guess Im ranting and Im sorry but I just was curious to know if Im the only one this happened to.
Now that may not sound great to many of you, but after a billion duds over the years, that was the most useful weapon (dispite the ubws and lack of ssi) Ive ever made.
As soon as I got it into my warriors hands I insured it. I know this is true because Ive died a few times since then and had all three weps I carry with me upon being ressed.
I went to a spawn in Ish and about 5 mins into it, it got REALLY laggy and paragon succubus spanked me dead. I ran and got ressed but my new baby is nowhere to be found. I tried to find my corpse but it wasnt there. Im 99.9 % positive I returned to the exact spot because I died by the candle altar. That doesnt matter becuase I INSURED it.
Has anyone lost items in this way? Is the new insurance system bugged? All my other stuff has been insured since before the new system was in place. This is the only thing Ive insured in months because I havent crafted anything worth a crap in months. I have a few million in the bank so thats not the problem.
Im so angry right now Im close to quiting the game. Please dont ask me if I paged a GM. I did. They dont exist. I guess Im ranting and Im sorry but I just was curious to know if Im the only one this happened to.