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[Fishing] Golden Tuna


Seasoned Veteran
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Stratics Legend
Been working on trying to catch all the Rare fish now that I have reached 120 fishing skill... The last 2 days I have been out trying for the Golden Tuna.. I know its posted that one was caught in Tokuno by Jimmy Buffet on Origin, but was that caught in deep water, shallow water, on inshore?

I have gone through 400 golden Tuna baits fishing in deep water and have only caught Giant Koi and the Samuria Fish.

Any help is appreciated.. thanks!

Mr Bug

Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Golden Tuna is caught in Tokuno deep water and I caught both giant samurai fish and golden tuna prior to 120 fishing. Never caught one using the actual bait but I had better luck catching them using the endless Koi baits to just chum for any rare fish. But not very common either of those fish. Hope that helps. Good Luck

Lord Aphid/ The Albatross LS


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Just a question... Where did you get the idea that you had to wait for 120 skill before trying for the rare fish? I've noticed many posts which assume this. Have I missed something here? Am I wasting my time going for a Golden Tuna at 115 skill?

Petra Fyde

Peerless Chatterbox
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I believe I've seen a post somewhere claiming a golden caught at 108, so no. Some rares can only be caught at 120, but ones like the two barracuda, holy mackeral, autumndragonfish and firefish can be caught from just over 80 I believe.


Lore Keeper
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Ok, I guess a list can be made here. I caught the following fish between 100 and 115 skill: (not on Siege)

Great Barracuda, Summer Dragonfish, Unicorn Fish, Crystal Fish, Holy Mackerel, Yellowtail Barracuda, Reaper Fish, Giant Koi, Bull Fish, Lava Fish, Fire Fish, Fairy Salmon, Autum Dragonfish, Stone Crab, Spider Crab, Blue Lobster.