Be sure to mark your calendar for Sunday, May 2, as the Golden Brew Players will be putting on a performance of 'Neo's Day Out' as part of the Golden Brew's Re-opening Celebration.
This is one of the funniest plays you will ever have the good fortune to attend ... especially for those of you who have played long enough to remember heading to the Brit and 'the forge' to hang out. For those of you who are newer, you'll see what it was like in the 'old days'.
Don't try to get a sneak peek during rehearsals ... The Golden Brew Players are VERY secretive! Kita has locked down access to the theater area, and has been known to toss snoopy patrons out on their nose!
The official announcement with the time and interviews with the Golden Brew Players will be posted soon!
This is one of the funniest plays you will ever have the good fortune to attend ... especially for those of you who have played long enough to remember heading to the Brit and 'the forge' to hang out. For those of you who are newer, you'll see what it was like in the 'old days'.
Don't try to get a sneak peek during rehearsals ... The Golden Brew Players are VERY secretive! Kita has locked down access to the theater area, and has been known to toss snoopy patrons out on their nose!
The official announcement with the time and interviews with the Golden Brew Players will be posted soon!