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Gold broker?

  • Thread starter imported_BoneDaddy
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


How do they do it?

I mean millions and millions and millions of gold pieces available for $2 per mill...


I think I have finally broken down and will start buying some gold to make UO more enjoyable.

Anyone know any reputable dealers that has a little bit of Napa gold?



I sell it. How? Playing merchant. Doing things I like. I dont keep any arties. I dont get 100 mill to sell. But sell 20 to 40 mill a month to pay for accounts.

If you get a clump of gold, its not hard to make it work for you. You just have to know what to buy and sell.

Of course let me know if you want any. And I could show you some merchant tips.


You do it via a process of investment, and then using profits obtained from the investments to repeat the process over and over. It's more complicated then that as you need to be able to read the market to some degree b/c prices fluctuate as does item desirability. You also need to know when to buy in to specific bulk items, and when to sell out.

The important part is to maximize your profit at all times, but to remember that items sitting on your vendors for weeks at a time is money you don't have access too. The method I follow is that you buy low, and you sell low, if you have great prices, and you're the cheapest around, or close to it people will remember and they will make sure to visit your vendors first to see what you have.

The most important part is that you can't sell gold in small clumps if you ever wish to be considered truly UO wealthy. You have to acquire a significant sum before you start selling it, generally around 1-2 bil, although there is some flexibility there. If you start selling gold to early though, it may take awhile to build up a reputation and gain buyers, but if you do not have enough capital to support stocking your vendors and to sell to your clients youll find yourself very poor very fast.


I appreciate your replies.

I might take you up on the deal Raven.

I have always been against the idea of buying gold.. But geez.. The game is so much more fun when I can walk around and buy whatever I want. And $20 a month for 10M gold really is no big deal.

I completely understand how the markets work and how you need gold to make gold... I guess I am still bent over the horrible inflation that UO has as a result of duping, no gold sinks, etc.

I mean seriously..

If I want a super neat item. Say... a low end event item...

50M is nuts.

How would one "work" to get the 50M. As in.. how did the gold get created?

A regular player would have to work for months and months and months just to be able to get the one item.

Whereas... the 150k a vanq cost.. Well it made sense. It took a long time to get the 150k back then. But.. It was well worth it.


Im just stalling because I am still not okay with buying gold.
