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GOF's 11th Year ANniversary!!!



Greetings and well met,
This is Hunter of GOF Event Leader/Auction House Leader, I am posting to announce the beginning stages of our 11th Anniversary weekend Event-O-Rama. I am working on the Artinerary (spelling? normal for us GOF'ers). There will be lots to do. I am asking that if anyone can help with one of the events I would be grateful. The following requires some assistance from fellow players:
Event: Crossing the Lines
Info: A group of GOF will be Crossing the Lines of the servers and shards. We have created chars and a guild on the following shards;
Atlantic, Napa Valley, Chesapeak, and Finally Baja( yet to do on Baja)
I am asking that if anyone in GL has chars on these shards I need assistance in obtaining a few things for the event:
1. full spell book
2. LRC suit
3. Ability to use black Dye tub
4. Gate scrolls\Mage jewelry
5. Runebook with runes to at least New Haven, Luna & Brit
I am willingh to make payment on GL for these to you as I am lacking on other shards. Donations always accepted.
Other events that are in the works are the following:
-A Huge Net Toss
-GOF Social with food and drink to meet and talk to other members of GL and possible recruitment
-We will be performing a ghost walk like last year for our 10th anniversary
-A round Robin Peerless run
-Scavenger Hunt
-Tamers will be donating their time to Do a Pet Give away for any new tamers who need them or need help obtaining them.
-A Grand Ole AUCTION to be held in the New AH Thats right I moved to the GOF Valley. A big Auction with Nice items be sure to get a new rune to the New GOF Auction House see Hunter. All welcome to attend even you Humans. Gargoyles will be judged for the coolest looking Gargoyle attending the Auction for a Prize!!!!! So welcome Gargoyles!!!!!
Other things still being worked on and in the developmental stages Should be a great weekend...When you say??? Oh I forgot to mention that part ..silly me It will be the weekend before Halloween. So October 23,24,and 25. We have not ironed out the schedul of these days what events what order yet but be Sure the Auction is on Saturday regular time 8:30 PM EST.
I will try to update as things are locked into place. Please contact me if you can help with the Crossing the lines event and DOnate or sell me some Fishing nets for the NET Toss. My ICQ is 480-500-040 if you add me tell me who you are and why you contacted me. Thank you all and hope to see you in game!
Hunter of GOF