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[Discussion] Goblin Slayer Talisman, Owned by no One

  • Thread starter LordDextonious
  • Start date
  • Watchers 0


Just curious as to how many people have got a Goblin Slayer Talisman, from Underworld Neverwinter Quest, That is blessed, or owned by no one. Thanks


Rares Fest Host | Cats Nov 2010
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I got one the very first time I did quest on Catskills, and until I did quest again, a month later, I thought they they ALL came this way.....

I certainly havent seen or heard of another one until your post here.

Muu Bin

My understanding is that any talisman has a chance to spawn with the "Owned By No One" tag. I have one of those Library Donation talismans that says Owned By No One".

Melissa Rohan

I could do with one on Europa, seen a couple for around a mill each. If anyones got one let me know thanks!
