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[Selling] Goblin Finger Paint (Pastel Pink) (W/E Small Pattern) (1) *Updated Story*


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
So I tried to post this item a month or so ago but at the time it only said *Finger Paint* After chating with Mesanna and inquiring about the item apparently the item was misnamed and she said she would fix it. The item is now properly named, the history verified, and Manticore was kind enough to update his list.

Goblin Finger Paint (Pastel Pink) (W/E Small Pattern) (1)

Opening this at 200 mil
There will be no BO, however, if final offer is deemed not high enough seller reserves right to turn down offer.
Post offers here or send them through PM.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Hit enter to fast lol, Ending date will be Friday the 6th midnight est unless a high enough offer is made.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Thanks for the great item. I know she is going to love it.
Trustworthy seller here**