Really is that how it works...
Mine always (as in ALL THE TIME) goes down from whatever number to 6 and it stays there until they send me the email saying the issue has been resolved blah blah blah. It's just annoying because I would be at say, number 11, and it always took them forever to get it down to 10, and then when I thought it was safe to go out and do a champ or a peerless because at that rate it would take at least another hour for them to get the countdown to 0, but right when the queue hits 6 (and that's usually half-way over whatever I was fighting) they would show up and ask, "you said you had a problem with your house?"
If they're not doing it in the order of the queue or if it's not displaying properly, perhaps it's better to just have it removed altogether?
BTW how did you guys know how the GM's work lol.