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GM Hijinks?


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
I logged onto Legends, Origin, and Oceania to clean out my toons' bank boxes. Reason being I applied for the EM job and realized I had newbs on those shards. So I was giving away my loot to one person who was just standing around. I would nearly be finished emptying back pack when some grass and snow tiles appeared. I didn't think of this being a prank at first so by the third time it happened. I just deleted the toon w/o moving the tiles. Login toon, get rid of stuff, log out, delete. By the third time this happened I just said out loud "I am trying to get rid of inventory" and "I think a GM is messing with me!"


Belaern d'Zhaunil
Stratics Veteran
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Campaign Supporter
I logged onto Legends, Origin, and Oceania to clean out my toons' bank boxes. Reason being I applied for the EM job and realized I had newbs on those shards. So I was giving away my loot to one person who was just standing around. I would nearly be finished emptying back pack when some grass and snow tiles appeared. I didn't think of this being a prank at first so by the third time it happened. I just deleted the toon w/o moving the tiles. Login toon, get rid of stuff, log out, delete. By the third time this happened I just said out loud "I am trying to get rid of inventory" and "I think a GM is messing with me!"
You must have had the grass and snow tiles in some of the junk you were tossing as you can not put them on the ground... FYI so they were jumping back into your pack


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Yup even if you put them in a bag they pop back into your pack.


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
No.... I noticed that. But I wasn't even touching them or seeing them. I watched my pack very carefully the third time. The first and second I just assumed oh well. Just must have had them. Then I gave them over to the other person and they accepted trade. BUT I had a blank back pack with no items in it and POP! there they were.

I was either putting in a bag on the floor or trying to put on the ground and the stubborn things kept popping back in.. No way I had all those tiles in my top layer all that time. I was using EC. So some GM must have duping them into my backpack to see what I' do with them.


Crazed Zealot
No.... I noticed that. But I wasn't even touching them or seeing them. I watched my pack very carefully the third time. The first and second I just assumed oh well. Just must have had them. Then I gave them over to the other person and they accepted trade. BUT I had a blank back pack with no items in it and POP! there they were.

I was either putting in a bag on the floor or trying to put on the ground and the stubborn things kept popping back in.. No way I had all those tiles in my top layer all that time. I was using EC. So some GM must have duping them into my backpack to see what I' do with them.
You just discovered a new way of d**ing stuff? A new bug? Ooops!