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Giant Turkey Feather


Does the giant turkey feather work even while being attacked? I know the potion of invisibility doesn't work if you are being attacked.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
You have that many of them? The potions you drink take time and a free hand. All the other edibles can be eaten without taking time so it should follow that.


I Hate Skilling
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
:( I only got 3. And I loved that event!


Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
Reposting, so cover your eyes if you've read this before.
Summon two giant turkeys (by killing smaller turkeys). There's a spot near the Demon Temple on Fire Island that's good for this.
Then provoke the giant turkeys on each other.

Acid Rain

Lore Master
Stratics Veteran
Stratics Legend
During the event I would round up every giant turkey west & northwest of Yew, leading them to the beach above Shame in Fel. Line them up diagonally by provoking them on eachother. Once fighting, I’d go down the line discording them. My record was 11 at once. I still have thousands of feathers. Rarely did anyone interfere but when they did it was certain death for them as I had a pack full of instant inviso feathers & they had 9-11 giant turkeys on their ass LOL. Fun times :)

They used to have no timer and worked exactly like old inviso items used to... click it and instantly *POOF* gone. Some folks cried on these forums & a timer was put in like the inviso pots w/ aggro breaking the effect. They still work fine but since inviso potions do exactly the same thing, I just hold on to mine for nostalgia.